Zucchini: High In Fiber And Low In Calories

Zucchini is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, it not only has a filling effect, but also protects the digestive system.

Zucchini: high in fiber and low in calories

Zucchini  belong to the pumpkin family. Their taste is fresh and slightly sweet, and they are very tasty in a wide variety of recipes.

Zucchini contain a lot of fiber and few calories and are therefore highly recommended for any weight loss diet.

This type of vegetable should not be missing in your nutrition plan, it also provides valuable nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Discover in this post what zucchini can offer. You will be amazed!

Zucchini, important for any weight loss diet

Most diets contain cucumber and eggplant, but zucchini shouldn’t be missing either. They offer countless preparation options, are low in calories and very healthy.

They are light and also have a filling effect.  They are not only recommended for losing weight, they are also a perfect vegetable for children, which can also be prepared in an original way.

Some advantages are:

1. Rich in vitamin C.

You know for sure that our organism cannot synthesize vitamin C itself. It is therefore very important to get this through your diet.

  • It is rich in vitamin C, which helps dissolve lipids and protects cells against free radicals.
  • Vitamin C also enables the metabolism of cholesterol in the blood,  thus preventing symptoms.
  • This strengthens the muscle tissue and prevents premature aging.

2. Important plant ingredients

The zucchini contains 2 very important plant substances: lutein and zeaxanthin. They are a natural source of vitamin A:

  • This strengthens eyesight,
  • the skin protected and also
  • It strengthens nails and hair.
  • Vitamin A and vitamin C also promote  wound healing.

3. Natural source of manganese

Do you know the properties of this mineral? Manganese is very important for the formation of bone tissue.

  • It is therefore important for the healthy growth of children and their immune system.
  • Manganese is also of great importance for women, as it inhibits calcium loss.
  • Manganese promotes collagen formation  and is therefore ideal against skin wrinkles and for better healing of scars.

4. Vitamins for the whole family

Zucchini for weight loss

They are best eaten steamed to enjoy all of the benefits. You will then not lose any health-promoting ingredients, on the contrary.

100 g zucchini contain:

  • 7 mg of vitamin C.
  • 35 g of vitamin B3 and provitamin A
  • 1.5 g of fiber
  • 21.51 mg calcium
  • 0.67 mg iron
  • 2.03 mg iodine
  • 12.87 mg of magnesium
  • 20.5 mg of manganese

Recipe suggestion: zucchini with garlic and parsley


  • 2 zucchini
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 50 g parsley
  • 100 g breadcrumbs
  • 25 g of olive oil
  • 50 g low-fat cream cheese

Necessary tools

  • Oven tray
  • Sieve
  • knife
  • bowl


  • Wash the zucchini carefully, then cut them into cubes of the same size.
  • As stated above, they are then dampened. If you wish, you can add a little salt to them.
  • As soon as they are soft, they are drained and then placed on the oven tray.
  • Then the marinade is prepared.
  • Put the breadcrumbs in a bowl, chop the garlic and parsley and add.
  • Then sprinkle this mixture over the zucchini and refine everything with a little olive oil.
  • Then bake the zucchini in the oven for about 10 minutes, until they turn a nice golden brown color and the crumbs are nice and crispy.
  • Spread some cream cheese on top to serve

This nutritious recipe is quick and easy to prepare, has hardly any calories and is also very filling. It tastes delicious and can be served as an accompaniment to turkey breast or eggs. Children like this dish very much.

Are you ready to try it?

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