Why Should We Eat Eggs Regularly

Even though it has long been said that chicken eggs raise cholesterol levels, the opposite has been proven. In addition, eggs provide animal protein, as do meat or fish.

Why should we eat eggs regularly?

Eggs are one of the richest foods in the world. They include proteins, nutritious fats, vitamins, and minerals. Also, eggs are very easy to prepare and most of us enjoy it. Hence, you should  eat eggs.

In today’s article, we’ll explain the benefits that prove that you can safely eat more eggs .

Eating eggs: benefits

Eggs are a high-quality food that provides a lot of nutritional values ​​even in small quantities.

  • They are rich in high quality organic proteins. This means that they contain all of the amino acids essential for the body in adequate amounts.
  • Eggs contain  vitamins of the B group (B1, B3, B12, folic acid and biotin), vitamins A, E and D.
  • Eggs also contain  minerals, such as selenium, zinc, phosphorus, and iron.

Most of these substances are found in egg yolks, while egg whites mainly contain proteins.

Spanish tortilla

Health promoting properties

  • Thanks to its properties and especially its high protein content, the egg is ideal for athletes, children and during pregnancy.
  • Vitamins of the B group give us energy, stabilize the nerves and improve brain functions.
  • The vitamin D content helps us absorb calcium better and prevents bone diseases such as: B. Osteoporosis.
  • Thanks to the iron and other minerals, the egg is particularly suitable for anemia.
  •  Eggs are indispensable during recovery or convalescence as they are not only very nutritious but also easy to digest.
  • The egg is a great antioxidant because it contains selenium and zinc. It also prevents aging.
  • Since eggs also contain lutein, they are very useful for age-related eye problems, for example macular degeneration or cataracts are prevented.
  • You can make moisturizing face and hair masks with raw eggs by mixing them with other ingredients, such as B. mix olive or almond oil, oats or brewer’s yeast. An egg can be very helpful, especially with very dry skin or very damaged hair and split ends.

How many eggs can we eat?

Until a few years ago it was asserted that no more than three eggs should be eaten a week, as the cholesterol and triglyceride levels could rise significantly.

But this opinion has changed in the meantime.

It has been shown that high cholesterol levels are more likely to be attributed to trans fatty acids, the wrong food combination and also to continuous stressful situations and are not caused by increased egg consumption.

You can eat an egg almost every day. Make sure to combine this with vegetables and not with other proteins such as meat or fish. Since eggs themselves are rich in protein, they do not need to be enriched with other proteins.

If you want to lose weight, you should cut the triglycerides found in fried foods, sauces, desserts, etc.

Have you ever tried quail eggs? You can alternate these with chicken eggs.

boiled eggs

How do we prepare eggs?

Eggs have a myriad of preparation options:

  • Fried egg : best prepared with olive oil, a little garlic and sea salt.
  • Hard-boiled : It is better not to boil the egg for more than a minute and then leave it in the water until it is lukewarm. As a variant, you can boil the egg again very briefly after the waiting time, so that the bad-smelling sulfur substances and the gray color of the egg yolk are avoided.
  • As a breakfast egg : The egg is briefly boiled and immediately poured cold water over it to stop cooking so that the egg remains soft. It tastes delicious with a little bread.
  • Scrambled eggs : Like the fried egg, it is fried in a pan with a little olive oil. However, it is stirred with a wooden spoon. It tastes just great with a little garlic, prawns, mushrooms or cheese.
  • Omelette : The egg is beaten and then fried in the pan. Potato slices, vegetables, mushrooms, peas or any other ingredient can be added.

Remember, there are many dishes and recipes that contain eggs, such as: B. Sauces, mayonnaise, breaded products, cakes, etc.

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