Why A Ketogenic Diet Is Healthy

This type of diet has advantages and disadvantages. It is therefore important to be well informed before starting and to get help from an expert.

Why a ketogenic diet is healthy

Today we’re looking into why a ketogenic diet is  healthy. Find out interesting facts about this type of diet and how you can use it to lose weight more easily. 

What is a ketogenic diet?

A ketogenic diet is extremely low in carbohydrates, but very high in fat. This changes the metabolism and creates what is known as “ketosis”.

This means that the body no longer uses carbohydrates for energy, but instead converts fats into ketone bodies in the liver to provide energy and maintain performance.

A high proportion of high-quality animal or vegetable fat is therefore very important in the ketogenic diet.

1. Reduction of body fat

a ketogenic diet good for losing weight

As explained earlier, a ketogenic diet uses fat as a source of energy instead of storing it in the body. Fat reserves will be broken down and you will lose weight.

  • Combine this diet with exercise if you want to define your muscles and get rid of fat deposits.
  • Consult a nutritionist before starting this diet. He can put together an individual nutrition plan for you.

2. Stable insulin levels

The increased levels of ketones in your body will lower your blood sugar levels, which reduces your risk of type 2 diabetes.

  • Consider a ketogenic diet if your doctor diagnoses you with prediabetes or metabolic syndrome.
  • See your doctor for advice on whether this type of diet is good for you.  Also, find out about ketone supplements that can help regulate blood sugar levels. Remember, however, that these diets and supplements should always be taken under the supervision of a doctor.

    3. Lose weight more easily

    The ketogenic diet is good for weight loss

    A ketogenic diet is an excellent way to lose weight. We’ve already explained how you can use it to lose fat. But this form of nutrition has other advantages for your body weight:

    You can use it to curb your appetite and better control food cravings. You will also feel full with fewer calories. 

    Because fat is converted into energy instead of carbohydrates , obese people can lose weight faster without losing muscle mass. Of course, once you’ve reached your desired weight, you need to maintain a healthy diet.

    4. Good blood counts

    Because you eat fewer carbohydrates, a ketogenic diet also improves triglyceride and good cholesterol (HDL) levels. This has various health benefits:

    • Less risk of cardiovascular disease
    • Lower risk of hardening of the arteries
    • Normalization of blood pressure

    To amplify these effects, make sure you only eat lean meat and, of course, consume high quality sources of oil and fat.

    Less is more - why a ketogenic diet is good

    Side effects of a ketogenic diet

    Like any other diet, the keto diet has side effects that you need to consider. These are:

    General malaise

    Ketogenic diet is good to enjoy with caution

    Your body will need to get used to using ketones instead of insulin, so the first few weeks can be tough. You will feel the following symptoms:

    • a headache
    • fatigue
    • dizziness
    • nausea
    • Drowsiness

    This is also because glucose levels are stabilized, especially if you have diabetes. So make sure to speak to your doctor and a nutritionist if you have any questions. Also, if you have diabetes, you need to keep an eye on your blood sugar at all times.


    If you don’t include enough vegetables in your diet, you can suffer from constipation. Drink plenty of water as a precaution! In addition, high fiber foods are important.


    Ketogenic diet is good for the body but can cause fatigue

    With this diet, your body will produce less energy from glucose. So it takes time to adjust. This adjustment process can make you tired or make you feel like you have no energy all the time.

    Therefore, slowly start changing your diet in the first few weeks. Get help from a nutritionist so that there are no symptoms or even deficiency symptoms. 

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