Which Paragraphs Are Harmful To Health?

It is advisable to wear shoes with an approx. 2 cm high heel so that the weight is well distributed on the front and back of the foot. The heel should not be higher than 3 cm.

Which paragraphs are harmful to health?

High heels look great, but they are not good for our health. Many women think that fashion is painful. But you don’t have to suffer because of unsuitable shoes!

Find out more about the right shoes for different activities and the maximum length of time you should wear high heels .

The worst shoes

A recent study by the Orthopedic Associates of New York again confirmed that the most harmful shoes for women are those with high, thin heels, also known as spiked heels.

The entire body weight rests on the metatarsal bones on the toes and exerts great pressure on a single point.

At the same time, the knees and hips move forward, unbalancing the body. As a result, the legs and back are weakened.

Wearing stiletto heels frequently can damage various areas from the ankles to the lumbar area.

Problems may also arise in the case of platform shoes, which are currently very much in vogue. Many argue that the weight is well distributed over the whole foot, but discomfort can still arise.

As with fine, high heels, the pressure is mainly in the toe area, but it is true that the heel is a bit more protected.

Platform shoes can cause corns, bunions, and ankle and back pain.

Mid-height boots with heels are a bit safer, but not necessarily healthy either. According to the report, 25% of the body weight is carried by the toes in these types of shoes, and this percentage increases depending on the height of the heels.

In plain English: the higher the paragraph, the more harmful it is.

Completely flat is not healthy either

Flat shoes are also very fashionable, but they can be worn well for work as well as for leisure.

However, if they are totally flat, i.e. have no heels at all, the natural curve of the foot is not supported and the foot therefore has to work twice as much. This can lead to inflammation, back or heel pain and even fractures.

Sneakers or sports shoes that are used for sporting activities or for running give the feet a better grip. However, frequent use can lead to athlete’s foot. This is especially true if you are not using cotton socks.

More data on high heels

Statistics say women have four times more foot problems than men. One justifies this by wearing heel shoes.

When propping up the foot without shoes, the metatarsal bone carries 43% of the weight with each step, the remaining 57% is carried by the heel.

If the heels are 4 cm high, the division changes into the opposite. With a 6 cm high heel, the toes carry 75% of the weight, with 10 cm even 90%.

This unbalanced weight distribution changes the entire posture. The ankles in particular suffer from the wrong stress. Women are therefore more at risk of suffering from a sprain.

Since the back of the leg has to balance the load, the muscle contracts and becomes shorter, which can cause discomfort and tension in the twin muscles.

Ma also overloads the knee when wearing high-heeled shoes, because the tension increases from the sole of the foot upwards. The quadriceps and straight muscles of the thigh become unbalanced.

And it goes even further: the hip joints are displaced and back pain is increasing. The whole posture is changed. Corns, bunions, toe deformities, swelling and pain develop.

How can you prevent complaints?

You now know the risks of wearing high heels. However, if you still decide to do it and you want to wear heels to work or simply because you want to feel prettier (high shoes stylize the figure and make us taller), you should consider various aspects.

Many think that it is best to avoid heels entirely, but as already explained, very flat shoes are not good for the foot either.

Shoes with a 2 cm high heel are best so that the metatarsal and tarsal bones lie well and the weight is distributed by 50%. The heel should never be higher than 3 cm.

If you love high heels, use platform shoes that won’t hurt the foot as much.

If you occasionally wear high heels to go out, that’s fine. We do not recommend wearing high heels for hours every day, for example at work.

If you need high heels for your work , always take a second pair of comfortable shoes with you so that you can switch if possible. For example, if you are sitting behind a desk, you can take off your shoes to relax your feet. Don’t forget that shoes that are too tight are unhealthy too.

Images courtesy of Mervi Eskelinen, Jocelyn Saurini, Larry Johnson, Heather Dow, Maria Morri Thomas R Koll, Alison Here

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