What Pineapple Can Do For Your Health

Pineapple has anti-inflammatory properties and is high in fiber

What pineapple can do for your health

It’s a shame that the pineapple doesn’t grow in our garden! The tropical fruit is twice as good: it tastes very tasty and also has properties that you can use for your health!

Find out today what tropical fruits can do for your health!

Pineapple: tropical fruit and the epitome of the Caribbean

The pineapple is now grown worldwide in the tropics, but originally it comes from South and Central America. In Europe it is seldom known that it does not grow on trees but on the ground.

There are of course many more varieties worldwide, but actually only five different varieties are grown for the fruit trade, some of which are offered with imaginative names in our fruit counter.

There are myths about the tropical fruit and it always arouses emotions in us, which we think of white sandy beaches with palm trees, the Caribbean sea and maybe a pina colada …

But the tropical fruit with the green crown of leaves can be beneficial for your health!


Better buy fresh fruit

The pineapple is a delicious fruit that tastes much better and is much healthier if you do n’t enjoy it softly cooked and sugar-coated from the can, but buy it fresh as a whole fruit in the store.

Fresh fruit contains more vitamins and phytochemicals and is basically neither heated nor sugared, so you should treat yourself to the carefree enjoyment of fresh fruit several times a day.

Mixed drink pineapple

Pineapple as a remedy

The pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which soothes inflammation and reduces swelling. Therefore, this active ingredient is also often recommended after dental or oral surgery interventions.

In order to absorb the necessary amount of bromelain, you have to integrate a lot of the fruit into your diet, but the active ingredient is also available in concentrated form in tablet form.

If you only occasionally suffer from joint problems and want to prevent inflammation and swelling, simply integrate pineapple products such as juice or fresh fruits (please not sugared and only canned fruits without sugar!) In their daily menu.

Pineapple as a digestive aid

The fruit contains enzymes that break down protein from food. Therefore, a glass of pineapple juice or fresh pineapple for dessert can help digest a hard-to-digest feast.

The fresh juice is particularly helpful in digesting meat dishes such as holiday roasts or grilled meat, which are difficult to digest and therefore have long digestion times.

So just serve pineapple with such dishes to make digestion easier! Their high fiber content also has a beneficial effect on your digestion and activates bowel movements.


Pineapple for tender meat

Like papaya, pineapple contains enzymes that can be used to make meat more tender. This is how tough meat has been tenderized for generations.

Numerous recipes from the tropics have therefore given papaya and pineapple a permanent place in the list of ingredients.

You can simply marinate tough meat in fresh pineapple juice or brush it with pureed fruit pulp. The larger the surface of the meat, the more effective.

Marinate the meat as strips with this fruit to get particularly tender pieces of meat.

Warning: gelatine!

The enzymes in pineapples can be used in many ways. They work against inflammation and swelling, aid digestion and make meat tender. But every coin has two sides, and so is the pineapple.

The enzymes in the fruit react with the components of gelatine so that it no longer gels and can never solidify. So if you want to make a cake, for example, you must not use fresh fruit!

As soon as gelatin is involved, only use canned fruit. It’s pasteurized, which renders these enzymes ineffective.


Anti-inflammatory recipe: pineapple turmeric shake

The spice, which is rather unusual in Germany, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

It is turmeric, which is also called turmeric or incorrectly saffron root.

You can usually get it ground as an exotic spice, but also as a fresh root in most health food stores.

The taste is mildly spicy, which is why you can use it generously for seasoning against inflammation.

The anti-inflammatory effects in knee arthritis have even been confirmed by studies. With pineapple in combination with turmeric you forge an effective alliance against inflammation ! You need:

  • 100g pineapple (fresh)
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric (dried or 1 tbsp freshly grated)
  • ½ banana
  • Some water or coconut milk

Put all the ingredients together in a blender and puree them into a creamy smoothie.

Add water or coconut milk, as desired, until you like the consistency. Coconut milk tastes very tasty in combination and is reminiscent of the tropical cocktail Pina Colada.

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