What Helps Against Fatty Liver?

If you want to do something against fatty liver, it is first of all prevention. It’s easy with the right diet!

What helps against fatty liver?

If you want to do something against fatty liver, you should first and foremost take precautionary measures, because fatty liver is mainly caused by malnutrition and is therefore a “home-made” disease that only in the rarest of cases did not result from your own misconduct.

What are you doing about fatty liver?

To know what you can do about fatty liver , you should first find out what causes it. The term fatty or foie gras is actually only known from the Christmas season when it comes to the French specialty of “foie gras”, a goose liver pate made from particularly fatty liver. For this purpose, fattening geese are tortured and stuffed with excessive amounts of food several times a day. This practice is now banned in Germany because of animal cruelty.

But people can get fatty liver too. With the difference: they voluntarily stuff the food into their throats … Fatty liver occurs when the liver stores fat cells. A normal, healthy liver has a maximum of 5% fat cells. The pathological fatty liver can be divided into three degrees of severity:

  • Mild fatty liver: less than 1/3 of the liver cells have stored fat
  • Medium fatty liver: more than 1/3 but less than 2/3 of the liver cells are fatty
  • Severe fatty liver: more than 2/3 of all liver cells are fatty
What can be done against fatty liver?

What are the causes of fatty liver?

Fatty liver arises from our unhealthy lifestyle and is therefore one of the diseases of civilization. Therefore it is completely independent of age. Fatty liver is also being diagnosed more and more often in children!

There are a few but very clear causes for the development of fatty liver. If you know them, you just have to avoid them to do something about fatty liver and how it develops.

These are their causes:

  • Too much fat in food : fat is necessary for fatty liver to develop. And that is only supplied through food and too many unnecessary calories.
  • Disturbed intestinal flora: A disturbed intestinal flora is not only involved in the development of fatty liver, but also in many other diseases, since the intestinal flora makes up the largest part of our immune system.
  • Too much alcohol: When it is broken down, alcohol is also converted into fatty acids, among other things. Excessive alcohol consumption not only stresses the liver with the cytotoxic alcohol, but also damages it twice through the additional accumulation of fats.
  • Diabetes: Those who suffer from type II diabetes have a disturbed metabolism, in which more fats are released in the body due to insulin resistance. Type II diabetes is also one of the preventable diseases of civilization.
  • Other causes: operations on the liver itself or on the pancreas and small intestine, as well as very long periods of starvation.
Healthy diet against fatty liver

Why should I do something about fatty liver?

In the early stages, fatty liver is usually symptom-free and part of the metabolic syndrome. The metabolic syndrome is characterized by four disturbed factors: obesity, high blood pressure, increased blood lipid levels and type II diabetes. The “fatal quartet” is a combination of four diseases of civilization that those affected have caused themselves through an unhealthy lifestyle and poor diet.

As the fatty liver progresses, hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver, which is no longer curable and from which 25% of all patients die within 3 months, can develop. Don’t let it get that far and change your lifestyle!

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What can be done against fatty liver, what helps?

There is only one single tip that we can give you to not only improve the fatty liver, but even to make it disappear again under certain circumstances: Weight reduction and a healthy lifestyle!

By changing your diet to a low-fat diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and contains fewer calories than your body needs, you can make the fatty liver go away.

At the same time, you also strengthen your intestinal flora, prevent elevated blood lipid levels, type II diabetes and high blood pressure and thus protect yourself against several deadly diseases of civilization.

Get regular exercise to burn extra calories.

Have your doctor adjust your blood sugar levels with medication to normalize fat metabolism. You will see: not only your blood lipid values, but also your blood sugar values ​​improve with decreasing body weight!

So it is up to you to prevent fatty liver disease or to make fatty liver disease disappear again!

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