What Are The Advantages Of Bananas For Athletes?

Bananas are known for their high potassium content, a blood pressure lowering mineral that also ensures a balanced electrolyte balance. But bananas have several other benefits for athletes, which we’ll talk about in today’s article. 

What are the benefits of bananas for athletes?

The banana is popular with young and old because it tastes delicious and contains important nutrients such as carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Even  for athletes  bananas have many advantages, which we will then take a closer look.

Bananas are very versatile:  They taste delicious in their natural form, but can also be used for mixed drinks, breakfast recipes and various desserts. They are an excellent addition to a balanced, healthy diet.

Bananas for Athletes: Important Carbohydrates

Bananas contain a lot of sugar and therefore provide a corresponding amount of energy, which is particularly important for athletes. Depending on the degree of ripeness, the glycemic index of these fruits is higher or lower. For example, you can eat a ripe banana during exercise and then a green one afterwards.

As you can read in this article in Nutrients magazine , the carbohydrates in it fill glycogen stores and provide so much energy during exercise.

Bananas for Athletes: Important Carbohydrates
The banana is very versatile: it tastes great in its natural form and in a wide variety of recipes. You can use it to replenish your glycogen stores!

Bananas are high in potassium

A diet with sufficient potassium is particularly important for athletes. The reason for this is that hyponatremia (electrolyte disorder in which the sodium concentration in the blood serum is too low) would have very negative effects. Therefore, mineral salts must be supplied again after training. However, a diet  high in salt can negatively affect blood pressure. 

Potassium is required to prevent these effects  You can find an interesting study on this topic in the journal Nutrients . The banana contains a lot of potassium and is therefore ideally suited for athletes.

Bananas for athletes before and during training

To get all the benefits of the banana, athletes should eat this type of fruit before and during exercise. You want to know why Before exercising, it is good to fill up your glycogen stores and keep your glucose levels stable. As already mentioned, the banana will help you with this.

During exercise, especially if it takes a long time, the body  needs carbohydrates continuously. In this way, the glycogen stores in the muscles and the liver are preserved and you don’t get tired so quickly. Bananas are also highly recommended during exercise.

It is best to eat a green banana before training. However, during sports activities, the banana should be very ripe. Too much fiber right now could delay bowel movements and cause stomach upset, which should be avoided.

Bananas for athletes before and during training
A green banana is recommended before training.

Bananas are ideal for athletes!

Most love bananas, which taste sweet and tasty and are also very practical. This fruit has many advantages for athletes, which is why they often consume a banana before, during and after a competition or training. 

The carbohydrates contained in the banana keep the blood sugar level constant. They also  make it possible to replenish glycogen reserves in the muscles and the liver. This is why bananas can improve performance during exercise.

Furthermore, bananas provide a high proportion of potassium, which balances the electrolyte balance and regulates blood pressure so that it does not rise due to the intake of salt after exercise.

Finally, we would like to emphasize once again  that there are countless ways to prepare bananas. In its natural form, it is characterized by excellent organoleptic properties. But they also taste great in mixed drinks, desserts or on toast. You can also use it to make cookies or cakes!

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