True Greatness Is In The Small Things

A person’s true greatness is often shown in the fact that he does not need great deeds to prove himself

True greatness shows in the little things

We often judge people by the magnitude and mightiness of their deeds. “Doing great things and creating great things” are values ​​that count in our society.

But if you look closely you can see that it is not always the size of an act that makes a person particularly valuable.

Size doesn’t matter

In everyday life it is mostly the small details that make life worth living and loving. And with it the people who contribute these little things to our life and also those who have an eye for such details instead of being blinded by size.

The small gestures of our fellow human beings often touch our hearts more deeply than big, powerful and oh-so-important deeds.

Often a little thing is enough to brighten our day, to give us joy, to put a smile on our faces and those of us, and to enjoy life.

It’s not the big things that shape our lives. It is the little things of everyday life that make up one size.

That outshines some great things and shows us how important it is not to focus our attention only on the great things in life. But also to pay our attention to the details.


People of real greatness

Often times we are blinded by people who do great things to prove their greatness. However, such people often overlook the fact that it takes many little things to really grow to true greatness.

A great deed alone does not make anyone great! The sum of all deeds contributes to the true greatness of a person!

The art is to choose the right details, to develop an eye for the positive things that at the end of the day become a whole that is many times more colorful than a single great deed.

Learn from people who appreciate the details, who also enjoy the little things in life and are not constantly looking for something big that will bring their life to the sunny side!


Small details straight from the heart

The key to happiness often lies in the small details of everyday life, in the tiny characteristics of a personality.

Many of us have become blind to what comes straight from the heart: small, loving gestures, fleeting words, glances and details that often escape our attention and yet speak the language of the heart.

Pay attention to such signals from other hearts to warm your own heart.

Warm up with the laughter of a child, the loving gaze of a mother, the glitter of the snow on the blades of grass, the sunshine that falls through your kitchen window and creates shadows on the floor.

Sharpen your eye for things that warm your everyday life, caress your soul and awaken your heart.


Pay attention to authentic people

People who want to elevate themselves by great deeds, who want to grow in greatness by great things, are seldom authentic.

Because if you are at peace with yourself, have found yourself, remain true to yourself and are absolutely authentic, you don’t need to hone your size, constantly prove your size and rumble “loudly” through the lives of others .

Pay attention to authentic people in your social environment and learn from them and the small details that make up their personality.

Authentic people are usually satisfied with themselves and the world in which they live.  Because they have learned and know that it is not a saying that “true greatness comes from within”.


Appreciation shows true greatness

Anyone who values ​​other people, things, plants, animals, life itself and shows this appreciation gives others a good feeling.

It is often the sum of many small details that show how appreciative a person is. Treat yourself, your fellow human beings and life with care. Practice appreciation and start doing the little things.

Appreciation goes hand in hand with gratitude. Gratitude for the little things.

Practice recognizing true greatness in small things and growing from it yourself.

Find happiness in the little things, not in the big things, otherwise you will fail in your search for the great happiness. As you walk past the details that can mean true happiness …

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