Train Your Hips With This Exercise Routine

If you stick to exercising your hips regularly, you can not only reduce the fat in this area, but also strengthen your muscles and bones.

Exercise your hips with this exercise routine

The hip exercises that we introduce to you in today’s article are very useful. This is especially true if you want to strengthen your hips or reduce the fat in this area of ​​your body. Train your hips with our exercises!

We have created an exercise program that you can use to achieve the results you want.

Your hips are parts of the body that are very important and that you should pay attention to. So take a look at our exercise routine, which we will introduce to you below. This routine motivates you to get up from the couch and work on your figure!

Exercise your hips with this exercise routine

You can do this exercise routine for your hips 2 to 3 times a week.

However, if you think this session is too long or you don’t have enough time, you can just do the exercises you want.

1. Train your hips by raising your legs to the side (Side Leg Raises)

Exercise your hips by lifting your legs up to the side

You can do this first hip exercise in three different ways. You should do 3 sets of 12 repetitions each. Because 12 is the magic number for every exercise.

Raising the legs at a 90 ° angle (90 ° leg raises)

  • First, lie on your side for this exercise. Image then with your legs a right angle (90 °).
  • Then place one hand in front of your chest and the other arm under your head.
  • Next, lift your leg until it is perpendicular to the floor. Then return to the starting position.

    Straight leg

    • This exercise adds a twist to the previous exercise.
    • Fully extend the leg, which is at a 90 ° angle.
    • Then lift it up and repeat the exercise 12 times.

    Deep leg raise

    • For this exercise, just repeat the last exercise with one more variation. Then lift your body and place the arm that you had under your head at a right angle.
    • From this position , lean on your forearm and do the exercise.

    2. Leg kick

    For this exercise, let’s go to the first exercise of the previous option. You can support your head at an angle of 90 ° or relax on your arm on the floor. You can stretch or bend your arm while doing this.

    • In this position, you extend both legs. One will be supported and the other will be on the hips.
    • In this position, kick your thigh forward twice. Your foot should be bent as you do this.
    • Then, tip your foot and pull your straight leg back as far as possible.
    • Then bend your foot again and then kick it twice.

    3rd exercise “Dirty Dog”

    Use the "Dirty Dog" exercise to train your hips

    To do this exercise, first get on all fours. Let both forearms rest as you do this. You can also straighten your arms to make the exercise more difficult.

    • It’s easy. Raise your leg to the side at a 90 ° angle.

    4.Hip raise

    You can work out your hips by lifting them up


    • Lie on the floor with your knees bent and legs flat. Then, lift your hips until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
    • All you should do is move your hips and use your glutes to help you. Lift your hips as high as you can.

    When you ‘ve done 3 sets of 12 repetitions, repeat the process with one variation: Do the exercise with one leg extended.

    • You should lift your hips up as if both legs were flat on the floor. This makes this exercise more difficult. Then repeat the exercise with the other outstretched leg.

    It is extremely important that you keep your hips straight while doing this exercise, even though you want to lower them. Or they may start shaking. However, be sure to keep her as calm as possible.

    How important it is to protect your hips

    Your hips are connected to your stomach, buttocks, and legs. If they are healthy, your body can move normally while running, cycling, or other physical activity.

    If you’ve had hip pain before, it can be a good idea to strengthen this part of your body. Your hips are active when you are walking, sitting, or doing almost any type of activity. So train your hips and also remember that it’s important to take good care of them.

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