Tips To Quit Smoking

Here we introduce you to the best natural remedies that can help you quit smoking and improve your quality of life.

Tips to quit smoking

How many times have you decided to quit smoking ? You may have managed to get rid of this bad habit for a while, but then you relapsed again. Or you don’t even try because it seems impossible to you.

Here we introduce you to the best natural remedies that can help you  quit smoking and improve your quality of life.

I can’t quit smoking

There are many reasons why you cannot quit smoking. It is a serious addiction and stable habits are generally very difficult to change.

Plus, the withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable. This can lead to concentration problems and fatigue. Many also gain weight when they abandon the vice.

You therefore need great willpower and perseverance to achieve your goal. But you know the harmful effects of tobacco and how important it is to put an end to it.

Helpful tips for quitting smoking

The apple method

Apples can help you quit smoking

When a smoker eats apples, the internal organs react to the mixture of malic acid and nicotine. This is very uncomfortable, which is why   smokers usually do not eat apples.

If you like apples, you can eat several a day. The urge for a cigarette is thereby inhibited. For example, apples can be helpful in quitting smoking.

In addition, apples support the removal of harmful substances from the body. We therefore recommend a fifteen-day apple cure.

You only need to eat four to six apples a day for two weeks. Either raw, as juice, in salads or smoothies. Buy organic apples so you can eat the peel too!

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds can help you quit smoking

Sunflower seeds not only contain many important nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber and important fatty acids; they are also helpful for people who want to quit smoking.

These kernels evoke positive feelings similar to those of tobacco. But they are healthy and not addictive!

Sunflower seeds have a balancing effect on the nervous system and relieve anxiety, irritability and stress. Because they contain important fatty acids and B vitamins. 

The small nuclei are also healthy for the liver and adrenal glands. They also provide a lot of energy and put you in a good mood. 

You can buy peeled sunflower seeds, but they should be raw and unsalted. If you fancy a cigarette, eat a handful of sunflower seeds! 

Licorice root

In many cultures, it is common to chew on a licorice root. This medicinal plant can also be very beneficial in quitting smoking.

You can hold the licorice root in your hand instead of a cigarette  and get rid of the bad habit more quickly.

If you have high blood pressure, however, you have to do without it.

Bach flowers

Bach flowers can help you quit smoking

Bach flowers have a positive effect on emotional and mental health and can help with nervousness without making you dependent.

Therefore, they are well suited if you want to get rid of your toxic addiction, but do not want to suffer from anxiety, nervousness or irritability.

The best Bach flowers in this case are:

  • Glandular balsam:  With the blossom of inner calm you can alleviate anxiety and stop smoking more easily.
  • Cherry plum:  It is also known as the blossom of serenity, because it makes it easier to cope with difficult situations.
  • Walnut:  The bloom of new beginnings allows you to better adapt to change.
  • Larch:  It improves your self-confidence and makes you more independent.

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