Tips For A City Garden In A Small Space

To create a city garden, you only need basic knowledge about plants and their cultivation methods. Even if you have limited space, you can set up a functional garden that adapts to the specific conditions. 

Tips for a city garden in a small space

Even if you don’t have much space, a  city ​​garden is  an excellent way to grow your own fruit or vegetables and at the same time relieve stress in the fresh air in your free time. However, you should consider a few things in order to make the most of the reduced space.

In this article we have put together some tips  that you can easily put into practice so that you can soon reap the results of your work: fruits, vegetables or aromatic herbs that you will enjoy. You can eat healthily for yourself and your family and at the same time have fun with the varied work. 

Create a city garden in a small space

Choose a good place

Create a city garden in a small space 
You don’t need a lot of space for a city garden. Your balcony or roof terrace are also ideal for this!

It is important to choose the right place right from the start. Because your success as a gardener depends, among other things, on the  lighting conditions (direct or indirect light) that are available to your plants. Take into account that they will grow faster in a sunny spot.

In addition, the water has to drain well and you should of course have a water connection nearby so that you can water your plants every day. So you can save time and effort! 

If you are setting up your yard on a patio or courtyard, remember  that you need to demarcate the space well to  keep the area clean.

Lesson number 1 for new gardeners

Before you spend money on seeds and basic supplies, do some research on the basic requirements of different plants. You could also take a class to gain deeper knowledge. Because when growing plants, various aspects must be taken into account. You can of course also buy books to learn more about them.

Your basic knowledge should include:

  • Care of the soil and different types of fertilizer
  • When are which plants planted
  • Watering and pruning the plants
  • Care of plants, possible diseases and pests

A vertical city garden: space-saving and easy to set up

A vertical city garden: space-saving and easy to set up 
If you have very little space, it is best to arrange your garden vertically. You can hang pots or flower boxes to make the most of the space.

With a vertical garden you can design small spaces optimally, because you need so much less space than for a conventional garden. At the same time, you save time because you will hardly have to pull weeds and sowing is quick and easy.

Another advantage of the vertical garden is that more light and air get to the plants. You can also fight pests more easily if necessary. A practical tip:  grow plants that grow quickly! Green lettuce, Swiss chard, spinach, etc. will soon be ready for harvest. In between you can sow slower growing plants.

The balcony, terrace or roof terrace are excellent places for a city garden. Use flower pots or flower beds. If you wish, you can also opt for hydroponics instead of using soil.

Original ideas for a city garden

In social networks you will find numerous examples and ideas for city gardens in a small space. Let yourself be inspired and get creative yourself!

Finally, we have a few original ideas for you:

  • Use old pallets, boxes, or rubber tires instead of buying flower pots.
  • If you’re new to it, you can put labels on to remind yourself of the plants you sown.
  • Don’t forget to plant aromatic herbs. You can use them in many ways in the kitchen and always have fresh supplies.
  • Take good advice on using the right soil.
  • If you’re planning a trip or spending time away from home and don’t have anyone to water your plants, it’s best to  install an automatic watering system. 
  • You can use the garden scraps (leaves, trash from cutting the plants, etc.) to make  organic compost to care for your plants. 

Do you feel like creating your own city garden? Not only can you harvest organic vegetables or herbs, but you can  also reduce your stress through gardening and spend great moments with your family. Your children will also enjoy it and learn interesting things about growing plants.

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