Tips For A Better Blood Circulation

In order to improve the blood circulation it is very important to pay attention to healthy habits and a balanced diet. Changing lifestyle habits can have a very positive effect on your health.

Tips for better blood circulation

Many suffer from circulatory disorders, especially women are affected by this problem due to hormone fluctuations (for example during pregnancy). Here we give you tips for  better blood circulation.

In the case of circulatory problems, a doctor should definitely be consulted in order to find out the exact causes and to find an appropriate treatment method.

In the following, we recommend various measures that support better blood circulation .

Symptoms of poor blood circulation include painful cramps in the extremities, cold feet or hands, feeling tired, dizzy and general cramps that usually occur at night.

The causes can be very different, often the blood vessels lose their elasticity with increasing age and can therefore no longer adapt to the pressure so well.

Another common cause is hardening of the arteries. Too much salt, too little water, a high cholesterol level or too little fiber can also lead to circulatory disorders.

Foods with vitamin E can help with circulatory problems. Garlic also has numerous health benefits, it ensures better blood circulation and is also used to cleanse the blood.

Incidentally, garlic is also helpful for inflammation and for protecting the heart.

Changing lifestyle habits for better blood circulation

It is important to change unhealthy habits. This includes smoking, for example, which reduces oxygen uptake and therefore also worsens blood circulation.

If you want to improve your blood circulation, you should ensure that you get enough exercise and eat a healthy diet.  As with any illness, the best thing to do here is to take preventive measures so that no problems arise in the first place.

Stress and blood circulation

stress diseases

Stress plays a major role in circulatory problems and should therefore (and of course for other reasons) be controlled. Sport and exercise can help. Stress reduces the ability of blood vessels to expand and can lead to circulatory diseases.

Food supplement for good blood circulation

There are various preparations that promote blood circulation. Vitamin C improves the elasticity of veins and arteries, the coenzyme Q10 has antioxidant effects and improves the use of oxygen in the body and consequently also the blood circulation.

Food for better blood circulation


  • Chili. The hot active ingredients of the chilli promote blood circulation and also strengthen the blood vessels.
  • Turmeric. Contains anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antioxidant substances that promote blood flow.
  • Watermelon. This fruit contains lycopene, a powerful natural antioxidant that promotes blood circulation and prevents blood clots.
  • Citrus fruits. Vitamin C strengthens the blood vessel walls and prevents plaques.
  • Tomatoes  are also rich in lycopene and they also help prevent heart disease.
  • Water. Sufficient water ensures that the blood does not become too thick, which prevents blood clots. Therefore, consuming water also improves blood circulation.
  • Nuts are rich in thiamine, which improves blood circulation.
  • Ginger. This root improves the absorption of nutrients and oxygen in the stomach and consequently helps supply the blood with the minerals necessary for good circulation.

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