This Juice Gets Your Digestion Going!

This juice made from celery, carrots and linseed stimulates digestion and tastes refreshing

This juice gets your digestion going!

If your diet is again a little too low in fiber and digestion is stalling, then this juice can help you to get your digestion going with the fiber in it.

It is also suitable as a preventive measure to constantly promote digestion and prevent constipation.

Digestion and fiber

In today’s modern diet with many industrially manufactured meals and foods, there is a lack of fiber. Dietary fiber ensures a high volume of stool and nourishes the healthy intestinal bacteria – our actual digestive organ.

A lot of fiber can be found in whole grain products, fruits and vegetables (preferably with the skin on) and legumes such as peas, beans and lentils.

Very few of us still cook ourselves today, ready-made meals are bought, and the simplest ingredients are no longer made in-house, but bought for convenience. You can even buy peeled eggs hard-boiled in plastic!

Start cooking again, enrich the pizza dough with 30% whole wheat flour yourself, buy whole wheat pasta, and consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (with the skin on!) To increase the fiber content of your food.

Today’s recipe can become a part of your high-fiber diet, which helps maintain natural digestion and intestinal health. We’ll show you the benefits of the four ingredients.



The flax plant, also known as flax, is particularly versatile: the fibers for linen are obtained from its stems and the linseed oil from its seeds.

You can buy flaxseed whole or whole and are found in many rolls and muesli mixes.

Flax seeds are particularly known for their ability to bind many times more water when crushed (chewed or ground) and thereby increase the volume of stool.

This works very well against constipation. However, linseed oil, which is obtained from the small seeds, is less well known. You can buy a large selection in the health food store. Linseed oil has the highest known content of omega3 fatty acids.

Depending on the variety, linseed oil also contains 10-20% linoleic acid. Linoleic acid, like α-linolenic acid, is an essential nutrient and must therefore be taken in with food.

Flaxseed swells many times over in the digestive tract and the pressure it creates stimulates the intestinal muscles to move and to end the constipation.

To do this, adults take a tablespoon of whole flaxseed 3 times a day with their meals. It is important to drink a lot throughout the day to give the flaxseed the liquid it needs to swell!



The human body of an adult consists of 65% water, the brain even more than 80%! Only 2% water loss leads to a reduced ability to concentrate and other changes in your body.

A fluid deficit in the body is usually the simplest cause of many physical complaints such as headaches, digestive problems, circulatory problems, concentration disorders, fatigue, decreased performance and more.

As simple as it sounds, water is the first choice when it comes to relieving constipation. If you don’t drink enough, your intestines are not providing enough fluid to work optimally – the stool becomes hard and firm.

Two liters of water are the minimum for a lazy bowel, if you are constipated it can always be more! Instead of water, you can also drink other, calorie-free (!) Drinks: herbal tea, black tea, green tea, flavored water and more.



There are two fundamentally different types of celery: the celeriac with its white flesh and the celery, also known as celery. Today’s post and recipe is about celery, which has a very high proportion of fiber.

In order to process it optimally, you either need a juicer with a very high wattage and a very sharp knife or a blender with a very high wattage and particularly sharp knives.

If you don’t have both, you have to cut it into very fine slices before pureeing or grate it into slices using the cucumber slicer. Its long fibers quickly break down the blunt knife in the blender or hand blender.

But it is precisely these fibers that make celery so valuable for your digestion : they are a great source of fiber and therefore stimulate your digestion.



Carrots are high in water, which provides the intestines with enough fluid to swell the fiber from flaxseed and celery stalk.

The increased volume of stool caused by the fiber swollen in water increases bowel activity under pressure and thus stimulates your digestion.

Carrot smoothie


This juice is ideal as a “vegetable side dish” for lunch and as a fresh start to the new day. It also cuts a fine figure for dinner. You need:

  • 2 carrots
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 teaspoon flaxseed (crushed if possible)
  • 200ml water

Put all the ingredients together in a blender and puree them on the highest level to make a high-fiber drink.

If you have a juicer, you can multiply the ingredients and leave out the water. Then simply stir the crushed flaxseed into the finished drink.

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