The Yogurt Diet: A Healthy Option For Losing Weight

The yogurt diet is a balanced eating plan with various benefits for weight loss and digestive health, without sacrificing anything or putting your well-being at risk bring.

The Yogurt Diet: A Healthy Weight Loss Option

The yogurt diet is a balanced nutrition plan that is not limited to the consumption of this dairy product.

Of course, there are also so-called miracle diets with the same name, but we would like to introduce you to a balanced model that achieves good results without endangering your health.

The nutrients contained in yogurt promote various functions of the organism. In addition to calcium, which strengthens bones, it also contains probiotics, or “living cultures”, which renew gut microbiota to help improve digestive health.

On the other hand, yogurt is also an ingredient that can be incorporated into the diet in a very versatile manner. It is best consumed in its natural state, but it can also be used for various dressings and sauces for main dishes.

And how does the yogurt diet work ?

Health Benefits of the Yogurt Diet

natural yogurt

There are many reasons for choosing the yogurt diet to make weight loss easier. It is part of a balanced and safe eating plan because it combines different ingredients to meet all of the body’s nutritional needs.

But it also reduces the amount of calories we consume every day without going to extremes.

Because yogurt ensures a longer feeling of satiety, there are no feelings of anxiety or binge eating.

This food also contains B-complex vitamins, calcium, magnesium and amino acids, the absorption of which protects various vital functions.

By this we mean that it helps regulate the nervous system, take care of the bones and protect the muscles.

Among other things, the lactic acid it contains regulates the pH of the intestine and supports the growth of “good bacteria” that strengthen the immune system.

This is why the yogurt diet is perfect for strengthening the body’s defenses and relieving some inflammation.

Features of the yogurt diet

Yogurt with blueberries

With the yogurt diet, we want to supplement a balanced nutrition plan with several servings of this dairy product. However, we have to keep in mind that any excess is harmful and should not take longer than 5 or 7 days.

During this period, one should use low-calorie ingredients that meet our body’s nutritional needs. You should also avoid sugar, simple carbohydrates and saturated fats. 

Allowed foods

  • Vegetables and fresh fruits
  • Lean meat and fish
  • Whole grains and legumes
  • Dried fruit and grains
  • low-fat cheese

Prohibited foods

  • red meat and sausages
  • Fried foods and snacks out of the bag
  • Fast and junk food
  • Wheat bread and industrial pastries
  • Sugared juices and soft drinks
  • Sweets

Further considerations

  • Eat five meals a day: 3 should be main meals and the other two should be Vespers.
  • The yogurt diet works best when you drink plenty of water throughout the day . It should be at least between six and eight glasses.
  • Also avoid all fried and breaded foods. Better to cook your food in the oven, with steam or with hot water.
  • Also make sure that you are consuming skimmed, natural, and sugar-free yogurt.
Salad with yogurt and basil dressing

The yogurt diet menus recommended here are simple examples of how to follow this plan. However, it is up to you to prepare the main courses with your own healthy favorite ingredients.

Breakfast suggestions

  • A glass of natural yoghurt, a crispbread with turkey ham and fruit to taste.
  • Two slices of bread with light jam half a cup of natural yoghurt and a serving of apple.
  • A cup of herbal tea, 2 slices of wholemeal toast with avocado and a portion of natural yoghurt.


  • Half a cup of natural yogurt with a handful of dried fruit (20 or 30 g).
  • Fruit salad drizzled with yogurt.
  • Smoothie made from natural yogurt and red berries.

Lunch menu suggestions

  • A bowl of green salad with yogurt dressing and diced chicken breast.
  • Chicken fillet with yogurt, celery and cucumber salad.
  • Whole wheat pasta with a sauce made from yogurt and surimi.

In the afternoon

  • A glass of skimmed yogurt with two wholemeal biscuits.
  • Half a cup of strawberries with natural yogurt.
  • Natural yogurt with chia seeds.

For dinner

  • A serving of baked fish, steamed vegetables and a slice of whole wheat bread with yogurt.
  • Omelette with three slices of turkey sausage and two slices of pineapple with natural yoghurt.
  • Braised mushrooms and prawns and a cup of fruit with yogurt.

Are you trying to lose weight but you don’t really know how? Then just try the yogurt diet. As you can see, these are simple recipes that don’t leave you hungry.

Of course, you have to continue eating healthily even after the diet is over so as not to gain weight again!

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