The Best Homemade Insect Repellants

Aromatic plants can keep mosquitos away in the house. Basil is also used as a border in gardens to keep insects away with its strong smell.

The best homemade insect repellants

One of the most uncomfortable things about summer is the mosquitos. These insects not only bother us with their buzzing, but also sting and leaving wheals. Do you already know the natural  insect repellants ?

Mosquitos can ruin a quiet night or dinner in the garden. We are all affected on warm days. However, there are studies that show that mosquitoes sometimes prefer a certain type of person.

Some say this is due to the person’s blood, while others believe that it is related to the sweat.

Homemade insect repellant against mosquitoes

Below we are going to show you effective recipes for natural insect repellants that can keep mosquitos away from you. Since our insect repellants are homemade, they are also suitable for children or allergy sufferers.

Carnation insect repellants

Cloves are often used as an effective insect repellent against mosquitoes. For this recipe you will need baby shampoo, a liter of water and 30 cloves.

Make a tea with the water and the cloves, then strain it off and mix it with the shampoo. Apply this liquid to the areas of skin that could be attacked by insects (arms, face, and feet).

Eucalyptus insect repellent

For this recipe you will need 250 g of eucalyptus leaves and a liter of water. Boil both ingredients together for 45 minutes so that the leaves can release their essence. Use this liquid for window and door frames, for example, to keep the annoying mosquitoes away.


Chamomile insect repellants

Wash 250 grams of chamomile flowers, then rub them into the skin. Repeat this every two hours.

Almond insect repellants

This protective agent is ideal for children and babies because it is very gentle and effective. The ingredients are: 100 ml of almond oil, 20 drops of essential geranium oil, 20 drops of basil oil. Mix the oils together, then apply them to your skin.

Insect repellent made from lavender

Mix 100 ml of lavender oil with a moisturizer, then apply the mixture directly on the skin. You will feel fresher and you will also be protected from the mosquitoes.

Lemon oil insect repellent

Lemon oil is known to be an insect repellent and also keeps mosquitoes from biting. You can get the oil as a spray, lotion, and wet wipes. The insects will leave you and your family alone.


Eucalyptus insect repellent (Recipe II)

Eucalyptus oil smells great and will keep mosquitoes from biting you or even approaching you. Apply the oil to the skin and repeat the process every six hours. You can also mix the oil with thyme oil, mint oil, basil oil, and lemon oil.

Insect repellent with oil and alcohol

Chemical products can harm your health and that of your family, so natural insect repellants are a better option.

In addition, the natural remedies are not only effective but also inexpensive. We have another recipe for you that is very popular to keep mosquitoes, flies, moths and ticks away. For this you need:

  • between 10 and 25 drops of essential oils (cinnamon, lemon, eucalyptus, lemongrass or castor oil)
  • 2 tablespoons of oil (olive oil, sunflower or corn oil) or 2 tablespoons of alcohol (96 ° vodka)

Mix the two oils you chose with the alcohol. Apply the mixture directly to the skin and clothing. Make sure the insect repellent does not come into contact with your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Reapply the fluid every hour, especially if you swim, exercise, or simply sweat from being in the sun. Keep the bottle in a cool and dark place. If you want to improve the consistency, you can also add aloe vera oil.

Mosquito hand

More tips against insects

  • Put mint leaves in the yard, the garden or in the house. You can chop it up and mix it with a few drops of water so that the smell is even stronger.
  • Place a basil plant in a small flower pot in different rooms. This plant is very aromatic and is avoided by insects. In some gardens, basil is used as a living fence.
  • Put some water in a jar with a few cloves of garlic. Let it steep for a few hours, then pour the liquid into a spray bottle. Spray the spray all over the home, in the curtains, and on door and window frames. The sulfur contained in garlic keeps mosquitoes, flies, ticks and moths away from you.
  • Consume large amounts of vitamin C every day, especially if you are outdoors a lot. Vitamin C is a soluble vitamin that does not accumulate in the body and is excreted through sweat. A natural mosquito enemy!
  • Put a glass of vinegar by the window. The strong smell will ensure that no insect will dare to enter.
  • Eat foods high in vitamin B such as lentils, almonds, and mushrooms.
  • Use sprigs of basil as a “mosquito repellent”.
  • Other oils that can be used as insect repellants are  castor oil, rosemary, pine, verbena, thyme, clove, geranium and cedarwood oils.

Images courtesy of  Dr. Relling, Eli Christman, Lukas Hofstetter, John Tann

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