The Best Energy Drinks

Discover which ingredients are best suited to your needs and which juices can help you regain vitality and energy.

The best energy drinks

Juices are excellent energy donors, they help restore vitality and strength after strenuous activities.  That is why they are ideal for all those who want to recharge their batteries and want to feel good, for example for all athletes who want to improve their performance. Because they provide the body with nutrients and taste delicious. Then you will find some recipes for the best energy drinks.

Kiwi and blueberry energy drinks


  • 150 ml low-fat natural yogurt
  • 3 spoons of ground flaxseed
  • 2 kiwis
  • 100 g dry blueberries


1. Peel the kiwifruit and puree it with the rest of the ingredients.
2. Before serving, you can sweeten with a little honey if you like. This juice is recommended in the morning, it contains a lot of vitamins.


Kiwis contain vitamins and minerals that contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system and blood circulation.

Sweet seduction drink

Sweet energy drinks


– 1 medium-sized bar of dark chocolate
– 2 scoops of vanilla or strawberry ice cream
– 1 glass of low-fat milk


1. First, melt the chocolate in the steam bath.
2. Then stir all the ingredients until you have a creamy drink.


Chocolate creates well-being because it contains stimulants (theobromine) and euphoric substances. It also contains antioxidants that can help prevent heart problems and vitamins that give you new energy.

Healthy Energy Drinks – Banana Shake


– 1 banana
– 1 glass of semi-skimmed milk
– 3 spoons of oatmeal
– cinnamon


Puree the banana, oatmeal and milk. Then serve the drink with a bit of cinnamon to enhance the flavor.


The banana is characterized by an excellent combination of minerals and vitamins, which is why it is highly recommended in every diet, including weight-loss diets. This delicious fruit is also perfect for athletes.

Banana and Nut Drink

Banana nut energy drinks


– 1 cup of semi-skimmed milk
– 1 banana
– 3 nuts
– chocolate biscuits


1. Puree the banana with the milk and nuts.
2. Serve the drink with chocolate biscuits.


Nuts are almost perfect, they are high in antioxidants and protein. They are also characterized by a high proportion of polyphenols, chemical antioxidants that counteract the cell aging process.

Orange-banana-strawberry drink


– orange zest
– 1 banana
– 1 glass of soy milk
– 125 g of strawberries


1. First mix the soy milk with the washed strawberries and the banana.
2. Then serve the drink with a little orange zest. This gives you a deliciously fresh taste.


One cup of strawberries contains 13% of the daily allowance of fiber with only 43 calories. The fiber supports normal digestive function. For example, it can lower blood pressure and slow down the excessive consumption of food. We therefore recommend this drink especially after vigorous physical activity.

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