The 3 Most Effective Diets For Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight, you have to be motivated and aware that effective and healthy diets do not bring immediate results, but take a certain amount of time before results can be seen.

The 3 Most Effective Diets For Weight Loss

There are no miracle diets. If a diet promises major weight loss in a very short time, it is usually harmful to health and in most cases causes the dreaded yo-yo effect. However, there are also effective diets for weight loss.

In this post we introduce you to 3 great weight loss diets that are healthy and slowly lead to your desired goal. They are also very balanced so you don’t have to suffer. Discover them!

Weight Loss Diets That Work

An effective, healthy diet should not be starving, sacrificing too much, or constantly fixating on the calories consumed. However, you should be aware that you will not see rapid progress in just a few days.

Diets that work are slow. You will feel better and more vital, have fewer health problems and also be in a better mood. Another advantage is that you can use it to better balance your body proportions.

Weight Loss Diets That Work

The key to these diets is the way you eat. We present three alternatives with which you will notice small changes in a few days, but you can only achieve your goal with patience and perseverance. The reward, however, is that you don’t have to suffer with these diets and there is no yo-yo effect.

1. Diet: Less carbohydrates

Many nutritionists recommend reducing your consumption of carbohydrates as these provide energy  that is stored as fat reserves when not consumed. Also, we generally consume too many refined, poor quality carbohydrates these days.

In this diet, you avoid all foods  with white flour  (bread, pastries, pasta, etc.). Products with wholemeal flour are also taboo, as these are usually made from white flour and bran and therefore also lead to obesity.

However, you can  eat small amounts of whole grains:

  • rice
  • oats
  • Quinoa
  • millet
  • amaranth

These small amounts of carbohydrates  are available for breakfast  and lunch, but never for dinner.

In return, the consumption of protein and healthy fat is increased in this diet  even if that sounds amazing. However, you always have to pay attention to natural foods that are unprocessed, of good quality and easy to digest.

The following protein foods are allowed on this diet:

  • white meat (if possible from organic livestock)
  • fish
  • lean cheese
  • Eggs
  • legumes
  • Dried fruits (a handful every day) and seeds

The following oils can be consumed:

  • Vegetable oils: olive oil, linseed oil, coconut oil, wheat germ or sesame oil
  • avocado
  • Dried fruits (a handful every day) and seeds.

2. Diet: watch your dinner!

Dinner diets for weight loss

This diet is about eating a balanced diet throughout the day and paying particular attention to dinner, which is often the last meal of the day  to be responsible for obesity.

During the day you eat in moderation, without overdoing it with any food. You should also control food cravings. You have to adhere to the following instructions:

  • Dinner before 8 a.m. If you get hungry again afterward, you can have a cup of tea or an apple before bed.
  • Dinner always consists of a vegetable dish (salad, vegetables, vegetable cream soup, gazpacho) and light proteins (eggs, fish or lean meat seared briefly or cooked in the oven). For dessert, you can have a baked apple or a pear if you want.

If you strictly follow these rules, you can see how you gradually lose weight. Because at night the organism releases pollutants and provides a balance if it does not have to digest excess energy from dinner.

3. The ration diet

Diets for Weight Loss: The Ration Diet

This diet is based on the idea that quantity is primarily responsible for weight gain. You can treat yourself to something good every now and then on this diet,  as long as you eat in moderation.

Most of all, those who eat excessively or uncontrollably in stressful situations or because of worries have to struggle. However, this diet is very useful for controlling the amount of food eaten.

You can have 5 meals a day, but it is  important that you never eat yourself completely full. You always have to feel like there’s a little more space, like dessert.

In order to reduce cravings, it is advisable to drink digestive tea after meals, which induces a feeling of satiety.

With this diet, you always prepare the food on a plate. Look-up is not allowed.

You eat to satisfy your hunger. If you chew the food well, you will see  that you do not need such large quantities and that you digest and consume  the food better. It’s best to get started right away and try our weight loss diets.

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