Teeth Whitening With Natural Products

Some home remedies can help to whiten our tooth enamel. You can also prevent tooth enamel from yellowing by avoiding certain habits such as tobacco or coffee.

Teeth whitening with natural products

Nowadays, various methods of teeth whitening treatments are quite fashionable. However, they are often carried out with invasive products that attack the tooth enamel and this damage cannot be reversed.

You don’t have to go to such extremes or spend huge sums of money on teeth whitening . If you want white teeth, just try the natural products in our article!

How do discolored teeth come about?

A friendly smile
Certain foods can make tooth enamel porous and discolor it.

Our tooth enamel is slightly porous and fills with substances from our food. If we drink red wine or eat cranberries, we will have purple teeth afterwards. But that’s not the real problem, because we can remove the stains by brushing our teeth.

However, there are also beverages and foods that cause long-term discoloration and then over time the enamel turns yellow and does not look very pretty.

Drinks like coffee, tea or lemonades are on the list here. Tobacco consumption and inadequate oral hygiene also make the problem worse.

The acidity of some foods also damages our teeth. Meat, dairy products, eggs, citrus fruits, refined sugar, beer, artificial sweeteners, fizzy sodas, or vegetable oils make the situation even worse.

Sweets are also on the list, especially if we snack frequently.

Brushing your teeth right after you eat is a common mistake. It is true that you don’t give tooth decay a chance, but the enamel doesn’t have time to harden again either.

Beneficial foods

Woman brushing teeth
Some foods, such as fruits and vegetables, help whiten teeth.

However, there are also foods that help us whiten our teeth. Pears, apples, carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower, lettuce, broccoli and spinach all have a very good reputation.

Some are useful because of their fiber. Others form a protective film over the tooth enamel, which is why the teeth do not turn yellow so easily.

Cheese is also useful because it contains proteins and fats that neutralize the acidity of other foods. It also stimulates the formation of saliva, which contains phosphorus and calcium, which helps to remineralize tooth enamel.

Home recipes for teeth whitening

Now we would like to introduce you to some home remedies that will help you whiten your teeth in a natural and easy way.


Rub your teeth with the inside of an orange peel for 45 seconds. The white layer between the orange pieces and the peel contains a substance that helps whiten teeth. Finally, brush your teeth half an hour later.

Strawberries and baking soda

Make a toothpaste out of strawberries and baking soda. The strawberries act like a natural brightener. You just have to crush them first and then mix them with the baking soda. Then apply it to your teeth and let it soak in for 20 minutes.

Then wait another 30 minutes and then brush your teeth as usual. Don’t use this home remedy more than once or twice a week, however!

Activated carbon powder

Sprinkle some activated charcoal powder on your toothbrush and use it to rub all of your teeth. While it may feel a little strange, many swear this is the best home remedy for teeth whitening!

Other home remedies for teeth whitening

  • Eat a slice of papaya or an apple every day . These types of fruit strengthen the gums and also whiten the teeth.
  • Add two spoons of sage leaves to a cup of boiling water. Then let the mixture cool down and then use it as a mouthwash. Alternatively, you can chew a sage leaf after you eat it.
  • Mix two scoops of hydrogen peroxide with one scoop of water. Then use it to gently rub the stained teeth and rinse your mouth with plenty of fresh water.
  • Make a mixture of 1 spoonful of brewer’s yeast, 2 teaspoons of salt, and water. Then use it to brush your teeth, just like it was your toothpaste.
  • Mix half a cup of brewer’s yeast with two teaspoons of salt until you get a paste. Then brush your teeth with her.

Baking soda for teeth whitening

Baking soda for teeth whitening
Occasionally, baking soda can also be used to whiten teeth.

The home remedies mentioned above are all great for pearly-colored, clean teeth. However, all fans of natural remedies agree that baking soda works best for teeth whitening. 

It is a very environmentally friendly and healthy treatment. All you need to do is put a quarter of a spoonful of baking soda in a cup and dip your damp toothbrush in it. Then use it just like you would a normal toothpaste.

If you use too much, your mouth will taste salty or sour. But don’t worry, it will go away if you rinse your mouth out with plenty of fresh water. However, only use this home remedy a few times a month as it can damage your tooth enamel.

Final advice on teeth whitening

  • Always make sure that your mouth is clean.
  • Don’t apply too much pressure while cleaning.
  • Use dental floss.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Drink less coffee, tea, or fizzy drinks.

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