Symptoms Of Esophagitis

Esophagitis can lead to snoring at night. If there is also a sore throat and stomach pain, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Symptoms of esophagitis

Reflux disease is not always the trigger for  esophagitis. A weakened immune system can also lead to this.

Find out more about the causes and treatment options for esophagitis in today’s article 

Symptoms of esophagitis

Inflammation of the esophagus can, but does not have to be, an infection. The doctor can clarify whether the infection is viral or bacterial, or whether the trigger is heartburn.

Regardless of the cause, the following symptoms occur:

1. Difficulty swallowing

Woman with esophagitis

An inflamed esophagus often leads to sore throats.  Pain when swallowing and burning sensation in the esophagus or behind the breastbone are typical.

2. Mouth sores

Mouth ulcers or aphthous ulcers can appear with infections. This is especially the case with a weak immune system. This can often lead to cold sores.

3. Cough


An inflamed esophagus often brings with it a dry cough. So we need to keep this area moist, which is not easy due to the inflammation and dryness of the esophagus.

4. Burning stomach

As mentioned earlier, esophagitis can have a number of causes: gastric reflux, a viral disease (herpes or cytomegalovirus), fungal disease, or other more serious diseases.

Therefore, a medical diagnosis must be made in any case. The first sign of an inflamed esophagus is a burning sensation in your stomach, a pain that winds up your throat.

5. Mild fever

Measure a fever


A slight increase in body temperature is a sign that something is wrong. A high fever, on the other hand, is a sure sign of infection.

So it is better to see a doctor right away before taking an aspirin to lower the fever. Fever is a warning sign that should definitely be heeded.

6. Hoarseness

Since the symptoms of an inflamed esophagus reach into the throat and the air supply is obstructed, hoarseness is also common.

Of course, hoarseness alone is by no means a sign of esophagitis, but if you have a sore throat or stomach you should see a doctor to clarify.

Remedies for esophagitis

Aloe vera for esophagitis

Only the doctor can make a diagnosis and determine the correct treatment. Only when the cause is defined can this disease be properly treated. Antibiotics are often given.

Various natural remedies can also be very helpful. Let your doctor advise you accordingly!

  • Tea made from real aloe has an antibacterial effect  and has many other benefits. Drink one liter of aloe tea every day for a week. The preparation is very simple: Scald 2 tablespoons of aloe gel with a cup of hot water and stir well. Then add another 3 cups of water. This drink is drunk lukewarm during the day, it should neither be too cold nor too hot so as not to irritate the stomach.
  • Ginger tea has an antibiotic effect and is very helpful for inflammation. Drink two cups a day. Simply grate a teaspoon of ginger and scald with a cup of water. This tea is also drunk lukewarm.

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