Stroke Prevention With 8 Foods

A daily cup of green tea helps to prevent cognitive aging. This tea is rich in antioxidants and it also helps with liver cleansing.

Cerebral Stroke Prevention with 8 Foods

The stroke  ranks third in the world on the list of deadly diseases, ahead of heart disease and cancer. While this cannot be prevented, numerous studies indicate that healthy lifestyle habits combined with certain foods can help reduce the risk by  30%.

It is therefore worth the effort, especially since it can also prevent other diseases and improve the  quality of life.  We therefore recommend that you include the following foods in your diet from today.

The following foods can improve your brain health

If you think that only people over the age of 55 are at risk of having a stroke , that’s a mistake. Unfortunately, a stroke or cerebral infarction can also occur in young people.

Genetic factors that cannot be changed also play a role here. Those who also eat poorly or lead an unhealthy lifestyle marked by stress and anxiety are at greater risk of suffering a stroke. This is why it is worth eating a variety of foods to reduce your risk and stay healthy.

These foods should be incorporated into the nutrition plan in various combinations on a daily basis 

1. Carrots

Apple ginger carrot against stroke

A study by Harvard University (USA) shows that about five carrots a week can reduce the risk of a stroke by 50%.

Even if this information should be treated with caution, the positive properties of carrots are well known. They contain valuable antioxidants that can  prevent blood clots in the arteries and improve blood circulation. It is therefore worthwhile to eat a carrot whenever possible.

2. Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are high in potassium and sodium. Both active ingredients help, for example, to reduce cholesterol levels and  prevent fat from being deposited in the arteries. They also excrete the pollutants in the urine.

3. Avocado

Avocado for a stroke

Half an avocado a day is sufficient. It contains  fatty acids that are very valuable for brain health. For example Omega 3, which prevents cell oxidation and premature aging. Don’t forget: eat half an avocado every day!

4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are an excellent source of  antioxidants such as lycopene. These can help prevent a stroke as they reduce blood pressure and increase blood flow. It also promotes healthy homocysteine ​​levels, an amino acid that is associated with a higher risk of stroke.

5. Sardines in olive oil

Sardines for a stroke

Sardines are recommended once or twice a week. They contain  very healthy fatty acids, calcium and vitamin D.  That is why they protect the brain in a natural way.

However, you should keep in mind that if there is any leftover fish, it should never be kept in the opened can. The best thing to do is to put the rest of the food in a glass jar (never metal) and put it in the fridge.

6. Honey and watermelons

Both are characterized by a lot of water, minerals and antioxidants. They are also low in sodium and are perfect for lowering cholesterol and preventing atherosclerosis. For example, eat a bowl of water melon or honeydew melon every day.

7. Green tea

Green tea for a stroke

Never miss out on your daily cup of green tea! Because it is rich in antioxidants, polyphenols and active ingredients. They help reduce cholesterol levels and prevent cognitive aging. In order to benefit from all the advantages, the green tea is recommended 20 minutes after eating.

8. Oats

Oats are particularly recommended for breakfast. This grain reduces blood sugar levels and bad cholesterol (LDL). Oats are also excellent when you are under stress. It also contains zinc, iron and other valuable ingredients for brain health.  So don’t forget to start the day with oatmeal!

Recommendations to reduce the risk of a stroke

Walking for a stroke

If consumed regularly, the foods mentioned can reduce the risk of a stroke by 30 to 50%; the following aspects should be taken into account:

  • The diet should be balanced and varied. It’s not about eating the same thing every day, but rather combining the foods well. The epidemiologist Lyn M. Steffen (University of Minnesota, USA) explains, for example,  that consuming 3 fruits and 3 types of vegetables daily can reduce the risk of a stroke more effectively than just consuming 5 fruits without vegetables.
  • You don’t have to go completely without fats to prevent a stroke. However, you should be careful to consume “healthy fats”  such as olive oil and blue fish, these protect brain health.
  • Try  to control daily stress. Make sure you get enough exercise to challenge your brain intellectually, and cultivate positive emotions and thoughts.

Take care of your general health, so you take care of your brain at the same time!

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