Strengthen Injured Knees With These 5 Exercises

Injured knees must be trained carefully. That’s because one bad exercise can make the situation worse. Today we will show you 5 exercises with which you can properly train and strengthen this sensitive joint.

Strengthen injured knees with these 5 exercises

Knees are complex joints. Usually, they are extremely vulnerable to injury due to the variety of movements they have to perform in different activities. Your knees are made up of delicate cartilage, muscles, and bones. Together with other small parts, they allow your knees to support your entire body weight. If you have injured knees, today we have some exercises that you can do to strengthen them.

Any problem that affects the functioning of your knees can affect your quality of life. And that’s not only because injured knees cause pain, but also because it interferes with your ability to walk.

The problem is that knees are very prone to injury and tenderness. Although many people ignore them, existing problems can worsen with age, such as being overweight or high-intensity activities and excessive stress.

However, there are some strengthening exercises you can do to improve the health of your knees. They can also help you with this if you have already suffered injuries to your knees.

In today’s article we want to explain the five best exercises to strengthen your knees in more detail. This way, you can start exercising before you even feel any pain. You can also prevent injuries and knee pain and take preventive action.

5 exercises to strengthen injured knees

1. Bend your hips with the knee extended

injured knees - one knee bent

Flexing your hips with your knee straight is a strengthening exercise that will help you rebuild damaged muscles and ligaments.

Although the work is mostly focused on your hips, parts of your knees are also involved.

The exact sequence of movements:

  • Lie face up on a yoga mat. Your knees should be bent and your feet should be flat on the mat.
  • Now stretch the leg you want to work on as far as you can. Then lift that leg to the same height as your bent knee.
  • Hold the leg in this position for 3 seconds. Now you lower it slowly and carefully back to the starting position.
  • Do eight repetitions on each leg.

2. Lateral knee raises to strengthen injured knees

Lateral knee raise is an exercise that works on your abductors and adductors. In addition, you also strengthen the muscles around your knees.

Doing this exercise regularly will reduce joint stiffness and it will also help speed healing time if you have injured knees or pain.

The exact sequence of movements:

  • Lie on your side on a yoga mat. The leg below is bent and the upper leg is fully extended.
  • Support yourself by placing your hands on the floor. Now you lift your hips a little. Then you raise and lower your outstretched leg.
  • Do three sets of 8 repetitions on each side.

3. knee extensions

injured knees - stretch knees in a chair

Knee extensions are movements that you can use to restore the mobility of your joints in the event of muscle tension or slightly injured knees .

However, you shouldn’t do this exercise if you’re having trouble stretching or bending your knees.

The entire sequence of movements should be carried out slowly. This applies to both raising and lowering your leg. That way, your quadriceps can work their best.

The exact sequence of movements:

  • Sit on a chair or stable surface. Your arms are on your sides and your back is straight.
  • Now you lift one foot until it is completely stretched out in the air. Hold this position for three seconds.
  • Now you bend your knee and bring your foot back to the floor. Slowly return to the starting position.
  • Do three sets of eight or ten repetitions on each leg.

4. Low extensors will help you exercise injured knees

You can do low leg extensions on the bed or on a yoga mat.

You can use a pillow or folded towel to stabilize the back of your knees . It also prevents you from having trouble bending your knees.

The exact sequence of movements:

  • Lie on your bed or yoga mat. One leg is stretched out, the other is on a pillow.
  • Your hands are on the side of your body. You should also make sure that your back is straight.
  • Now you stretch out the leg that is on the pillow.
  • Make very slow movements and lower it back down to the floor.
  • Do a total of three sets of eight or ten repetitions on each leg.

5. Exercise injured knees with wall squats

injured knee - squats on the wall

Wall squats are an effective exercise for working out your quads, knees, and buttocks.

If you have injured knees or have recently suffered joint trauma, you should be very careful with this exercise. Because this movement could potentially make your symptoms even worse.

The exact sequence of movements:

  • Support your back against the wall, making sure it’s firm and straight.
  • Put your legs shoulder-width apart. Now you get down on your knees and lower your hips. However, you have to make sure that your knees do not protrude beyond the tip of your toes.
  • Extend your arms in front of you to get more balance.
  • Now straighten your back until you stand up straight again.
  • Do three sets of twelve repetitions each.

If you have injured knees or knee pain, you can use these exercises to support your treatment. But of course you need to do them regularly.

Nevertheless, you should be very careful and careful when doing it. Because wrong or inappropriate movements could be counterproductive.

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