Star Anise – 5 Beneficial And Homemade Remedies

Regardless of whether you prepare pure anise tea or add other medicinal herbs, anise can aid digestion and even relieve headaches

Star anise - 5 beneficial and homemade remedies

Star anise has been used as a spice and medicinal herb in many different cultures and civilizations since ancient times. In recent years, the spice has regained popularity not only for its essential nutrients, but also for its ability to prevent and treat diseases.

Anise has detoxifying, digestive, and antispasmodic properties that are often used to treat digestive disorders. In addition, anise balances appetite, relieves nervousness and helps with swelling, which in turn relieves headaches.

Then you will find interesting facts about this spice. We also recommend a homemade remedy with star anise , which can be very effective.

1. Star anise as a remedy for digestive disorders

Star anise helps with digestive disorders

The anti-inflammatory and digestive properties of star anise help with digestive disorders. Its active ingredients prevent gases from building up in the intestines, reducing gas and the feeling of indigestion.


  • 1 teaspoon anise (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Scald the aniseed with boiling water.
  • Cover the cup and let the tea cool down for 10 minutes, after which you can strain the anise.


  • Drink the tea 30 minutes after you’ve eaten irritating foods or a large meal.
  • Alternatively, you can drink the tea at least 3 times a week in the mornings.

    2. Remedy for flatulence

    The wind-blowing effect of anise is a great solution for uncomfortable and recurring gas. Occasional consumption of anise reduces gas build-up, improves digestion and thus prevents food from fermenting in the intestines.


    • 1 tablespoon of crushed anise (15 g)
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


    • Put the anise in a pot of water and bring the tea to a boil over low heat for 5 minutes.
    • After 5 minutes, remove the tea from the stove and cover it to let it cool for 10 minutes.


    • Drink up to 2 cups of anise tea daily.

    3. Relief for headaches

    Star anise relieves headaches

    Anise can help relieve headaches caused by stress or nervousness due to its pain relieving  properties.

    Its calming effect has a positive effect on the nervous system and reduces tension.


    • 1 tablespoon star anise (15 g)
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


    • Pour boiling water over the anise.
    • Let the tea steep and cool for 10 minutes before straining it.


    • Drink the tea for a headache.
    • If necessary, drink 2 cups a day.

    4. Remedies for hiccups

    Hiccups can be very uncomfortable and occur when the diaphragm moves suddenly and involuntarily. Many people say there is no cure for hiccups, but traditional remedies, as described here, have been used since ancient times.


    • ½ teaspoon anise (2 g)
    • ½ cup of water (125 ml)


    • Crush the anise.


    • Eat the crushed aniseed and drink water immediately.

    5. Anise to cleanse the kidneys

    Star anise can cleanse the kidneys

    To make a detoxifying and anti-inflammatory drink, you can combine aniseed with other medicinal herbs, which is great for improving kidney function. The diuretic effect increases urine production, helping the kidneys eliminate toxins and heavy metals.

    Likewise, anise reduces the risk of kidney stones and helps remove bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.


    • 1 cup of water
    • 1 teaspoon green anise (5 g)
    • 5 dried mint leaves
    • 1 teaspoon fennel (5 g)


    • Bring the water to a boil, then add the herbs.
    • Cover the pot and heat the tea over low heat for 3 minutes.
    • Then let the tea cool down to room temperature.
    • Strain the tea when it cools.


    • Drink the tea after breakfast and lunch.
    • Drink the tea at least 3 times a week

    Did you know you can use star anise this way? If you have not tried anise before, then make a note of it for your next visit to the health food store so that you will have it on hand when you need it in the future.

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