Spinach And Cheese Dip As A Delicious Starter

This spinach and cheese dip is very easy to prepare. And it can just as easily be varied to suit your taste. A delicious starter!

Spinach and cheese dip as a delicious starter

There are many ways to combine spinach and cheese. But this spinach and cheese dip is particularly suitable for a delicious starter .

You ask why Quite simply: Recipes with spinach and cheese are often associated with elaborate fillings. But this spinach and cheese dip is quick and easy to prepare.

In addition , it also looks very appealing and will be very popular with your guests. Because once you start with this starter, you can’t stop!

The secret to making the spinach and cheese dip particularly tasty is actually very simple : you just need the right amount of the basic ingredients. And you season with salt, black pepper and fresh garlic. Sounds simple, but it actually makes all the difference!

In the following we present the recipe for the classic spinach and cheese dip. You don’t need more than half an hour to prepare it.

Spinach and cheese dip: the classic recipe

So here we go: get the ingredients, make some space in the kitchen and get to work! You will see, this spinach and cheese dip can really be prepared in no time !

To do this, you need the following:


  • 1 packet of spinach (500 g)
  • ¼ cup heavy cream (50 g)
  • ¼ cup parmesan cheese (50 g)
  • 2 or 3 fresh cloves of garlic
  • ¼ cup mozzarella cheese (50 g)
  • Spices: salt and black pepper
  • Optional: 1 stick of fresh celery (20 g)
Parmesan for spinach and cheese dip


  1. First put the spinach in a pot of water and heat it up. Before the water boils, add a pinch of salt.
  2. As soon as the spinach is ready, drain well in a colander.
  3. Then grate both types of cheese. After most of the grated cheese place on a plate. And set aside a small remainder of the Parmesan cheese on another plate for later.
  4. Now put the spinach and cream in a bowl. Mix both with a hand mixer. The whole thing should reach an even consistency.
  5. Then cut the garlic and celery into small pieces. Then add to the spinach cream together with the grated cheese. Beat again with the hand mixer so that all ingredients are well mixed together.
  6. Now season with a little salt and pepper. It is better to take a little less at first, so you can season it again if necessary. Then mix everything well again.
  7. Finally, sprinkle the small remainder of the grated Parmesan cheese on top and serve.

You can serve crackers or bread with this spinach and cheese dip. But cassava, tortillas, nachos, raw vegetables cut into chopsticks and other things also go perfectly with it.

That depends entirely on your taste – and of course on those of your guests! However, we particularly recommend serving warm pita bread with it. That gives this starter an addictive factor!

Variations of the spinach and cheese dip

As I said, you can vary the classic recipe too! Here are a few ideas for you.

American version for the spinach and cheese dip

The American version of this starter uses cream cheese and less garlic. And celery is completely avoided. Instead, you need the following things:


  • 1 pinch of hot paprika
  • Pieces of artichoke hearts
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise (40 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream (30 ml)

It should be noted that you need an oven for this variant.

Woman makes spinach cheese dip in the oven

Spanish style spinach and cheese dip

The Spanish version of the spinach and cheese dip, on the other hand, uses more garlic. Instead of individual cloves of garlic, you use two whole bulbs of garlic.

Medium-aged cheese is also added. Therefore, this variant has a more intense taste that may not be for everyone.

To prepare the Spanish version you will need:


  • 2 whole bulbs of garlic
  • 2 ½ cups of cream cheese (300 g)
  • ¾ Cup of medium-aged cheese (150 g)
  • 2 cups of fresh spinach (80g)
  • Spices: salt (to taste)
  • Optional: fresh parsley


  1. First wash the spinach and boil it in a saucepan with water. As soon as the spinach is ready, drain in a colander. Then let it cool down at room temperature for about 1 minute.
  2. Then peel the garlic and cut into pieces (not too small).
  3. Then put the cheese, spinach and garlic in a bowl. Mix everything well with a hand mixer. An even mass should be created.
  4. Now add a little more salt. Then stir again. Finally, you can decorate the whole thing with some fresh parsley.

This variant of the spinach and cheese dip goes well with bread. But you can also serve it with other crispy things.

Another option is to offer a contrast between the savory spinach and cheese dip and the taste of sweet crackers. Potato sticks are also a great alternative. No matter what you choose and whether you serve the spinach and cheese dip as a starter or as a snack: Bon appetit!

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