Soda For Skin And Hair

Soda is inexpensive and very effective. Discover the benefits for skin and hair here.

Soda for skin and hair

Soda is inexpensive and very versatile: This product is known for its numerous uses in the kitchen and as a remedy. Do you know that baking soda also has many benefits for skin  and hair?

The inexpensive white powder cleans, repairs and improves the appearance. Using it regularly can save you a lot of money in the beauty salon! Baking soda ensures beautiful hair and glowing skin.

Read on to learn how to use baking soda on your  skin  and hair. 

Soda for skin and hair

1. Natural peeling

You can easily remove dead skin cells with baking soda. It is a perfect skin care product.

  • Mix 3 parts baking soda with 1 part water. Gently massage your skin with this paste for a deep cleansing.

    The result: supple, pure and lighter skin!

    2. Silky soft hands

    Soda for skin: gentle hands

    The skin of the hands is often stressed by various chemical products. Here too, baking soda can help: 

    • Just make a mixture of baking soda and a tablespoon of honey. Massage your hands and especially the nail bed with it!

    3. Natural deodorant

    Baking soda is an excellent way  to neutralize unpleasant odors. 

    • It’s best to take a relaxing bath and add half a cup of baking soda to the water to prevent perspiration odors.

    4. Against acne

    Baking soda for acne

    Acne often leads to complexes. This is because the appearance is sometimes severely impaired.

    But you know by now: baking soda for skin and hair is very versatile and can also help here.

    • Mix a few drops of lemon juice with baking soda and apply this paste directly to the pimples.

    Caution: You should only use this treatment in the evening, when you are no longer going to be in the sun. Because when exposed to the sun, lemon can cause skin spots. 

    5. Remove blackheads

    Baking soda is also very effective against the unsightly black spots that appear especially in the T-zone. Because you can use it to thoroughly clean clogged pores.

    • Massage a mixture of baking soda and milk onto the affected areas and then let it work for 15 minutes. Then rinse off with lukewarm water.

      6. Against greasy hair

      Oily hair looks unkempt and is not easy to style. Use baking soda to remove excess oil and condition your hair. This will keep your hair fresh and clean longer.

      • Simply add a teaspoon of baking soda to your shampoo and then let this mixture sit on your hair for a few minutes. Then rinse with cold water.

      With regular use you will get great results!

      7. Clean, shiny hair

      Soda for skin and hair

      Baking soda and vinegar are perfect for cleansing hair and keeping it naturally healthy. Baking soda cleans the hair thoroughly. We mentioned earlier that it also removes sebum and impurities.

      In combination with vinegar, the natural acid mantle of the hair is restored. This will make your hair shiny and easy to comb. 

      • Simply mix a teaspoon of baking soda with 5 spoons of water and apply to the scalp.
      • Then mix a spoonful of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water and distribute it all over the hair, from roots to ends.

      Do this treatment for a week. Then take a few days off and repeat the treatment.

      You will likely notice the typical detox symptoms as  this treatment restores the hair and eliminates any residue that can compromise its beauty. 

      What are you waiting for? Soda for skin and hair is inexpensive and very effective!

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