Sleep Positions And Their Meaning

The sleeping position reveals various aspects of the personality, the body language is also expressed during sleep.

Sleep positions and their meaning. They can say a lot about our personality, habits and also about our worries. There are many positions, alone or with a partner. Learn more about the different sleeping positions and their meaning in this post .

Different sleeping positions and their meaning

A lot can be learned about personality from the sleeping position. You just have to observe them or analyze them on your own. During sleep, the body and brain relax in order to draw new strength.

There are almost as many sleeping positions as there are people, but six basic sleeping positions can be distinguished (with variations depending on the person).

After various studies in which the sleeping positions and their meaning were analyzed, a connection to the personality could be drawn.

Body language is not only expressed in our everyday gestures and movements but also in our sleep. This also has an impact on health.


6 sleeping positions and their meaning

Embryo position

Lie on your side with your knees bent to your chest, arms crossed or close to your legs. This position is so called because it resembles that of a baby in the womb. Sometimes an arm is also under the pillow. Most people sleep in this position.

One study found that 41% of the 1000 participants preferred this position. Twice as many women as men chose the embryo position. How can this sleeping position be interpreted?

If the body is drawn in while sleeping, this is associated with sensitivity and, moreover, with emotionality. Relationships in this case are usually intense.

People who sleep in this position can be shy at first, but once they know the other person, they relax. They are friendly, affectionate and are usually also afraid of being hurt by others.

Tree trunk position

Lie on your side, stretch out your legs together and keep your back straight. The arms are usually on the side of the body, sometimes one hand is under the pillow or outstretched. 15% of the people choose this sleeping position.

These people are at ease, relaxed and problem-free. They are mostly open people who get on well with everyone. They feel comfortable in groups, trust others, and are quite innocent. 


Melancholy position

Lie on your side, straight back, legs slightly bent forward, arms stretched towards forehead, one hand possibly under the pillow. 13% of the test persons chose this location.

These people are characterized by a more complex personality. They are friendly and open, but at the same time cynical and quickly suspect. They are not necessarily decisive, but when they come to a conclusion they can be very stubborn.

Nobody can influence these decisions or opinions. They can be best friends and also reward others with tenderness.

Soldier position

Lie on your back, chin up, legs open at about shoulder width, both arms then stretched out next to the body (almost always very close to the body). 8% of the participants chose this sleeping position.

The personality of these people is very reserved, reserved and discreet, without strong feelings. Accordingly, they do not allow others to look inside.

People in this sleeping position do not like ordinary things, and they usually have big goals. They are loyal and protective of their family and friends and value relationships with others.

Man in the park


This position is so named because it looks like the sleepers have just fallen from the sky. Lie on your stomach, head sideways, then one of your hands under or over the pillow. In addition, 7% of the test persons slept in this position.

As far as personality is concerned, these are mostly  very intense, open, unabashed and basically sensitive people.

You love freedom and do not like to be told by others (in any area, neither in love, nor in work, family, society, etc.). They also do not accept criticism.

Star position 

In this position, exactly the opposite is the case. People sleep on their backs, then partially or fully embrace the pillow, with their legs slightly angled or stretched out. 5% of people sleep in this position.

The “asterisks” are  good listeners to other people’s problems, very good friends who are always ready to help,  but most of the time they enjoy being the center of attention themselves, whether at a meeting, in the family etc.

Sleeping on your side (embryo, trunk or melancholy position) is the healthiest. Doctors recommend sleeping on your side to avoid putting pressure on the heart and other vital organs.

It is best to sleep on the right side. Some also recommend changing the situation during the night (half the night on one side, the other time on the other).

The two positions in the supine position (star and soldier) can mean that the body cannot relax sufficiently at night. Snoring and other breathing problems such as sleep apnea are also more common in this position.

This position can also lead to reflux. The only prone position (free fall) should be good for digestion, even if it is not recommended, as all vital organs are “pressed” onto the mattress in this way.

Images provided by Tony Alter, David Goehring, Betssssy, Joi Ito, Tomothy Krause.

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