Simple Tips For Peeling Food

Simplifying the peeling method can help us make better use of food and reduce cooking time.

Simple tips for peeling food

It’s the weekend and we finally have some time to let our cooking skills run wild and prepare something delicious. Just who has to peel ?

First we choose a recipe in the cookbook and follow the instructions step by step. However, these are not exactly easy, especially with the long peeling and cutting we lose a lot of time and thus our enthusiasm.

How often do we waste precious time peeling certain foods incorrectly? Plus, often half of it ends up in the trash because we don’t know exactly how to do it best.

Peeling: very easy!

As with other everyday tasks  , the usual way is not always the best or the fastest way. 

For this reason, we explain to you how the peeling process of food can be carried out much more easily. With the other tips you will also be able to avoid certain mistakes.

Be creative: we don’t always need a knife for peeling.

1. Avoid the unpleasant smell of garlic after peeling

Peel the garlic

When we peel and chop garlic, it always leaves an unpleasant, long-lasting smell on fingers and hands.

Place the garlic cloves in a sealable container.  Then all you have to do is shake it and the dry skin will fall off by itself. You probably didn’t know this simple, quick and clean method before.

2. How do you peel a potato?

Usually we peel the potatoes before they are boiled or prepared. Because it is hard and the skin adheres firmly to it, we waste a large part of the tuber when peeling it.

Try the following method:  Slice the potato peel and submerge the tuber in boiling water. The shell can then be peeled off without any problems.

3. Removing the shell from boiled eggs

Peel the boiled egg

How often do we find a piece of eggshell in our food because a residue has stuck to the egg after it has been peeled?

Try this trick: Break off a small part of the shell on the top of the egg. Now blow into the resulting hole and lo and behold, the egg is peeled.

4. How do you peel almonds?

Almonds have a fine skin that tastes slightly bitter and is therefore almost always removed.

We offer you 2 solutions, depending on what you want to use the almonds for. Either you wash the almonds so that the shell comes off, or you briefly toast them in the pan.

5. Peel the tomatoes

Peel the tomatoes

The procedure is the same as for peeling potatoes. The tomato peel is very stubborn and difficult to remove. Therefore, peeling can become a burden and we lose patience.

Practical trick: cut a cross on the top of the tomato and briefly poach the tomato. Then immediately immerse it in a bowl of very cold water so that the tomatoes do not continue to cook.

In this way, the tomatoes can be peeled very quickly and easily.

6. Use a glass for ripe fruit

Kiwi and mango are difficult to peel. Often they have so much juice that it is wasted because we put too much pressure on our fingers.

Halve these types of fruit and use a glass rim. The pulp and juice fall into the glass. Your hands will also stay clean and you can take full advantage of this type of fruit.

7. Peel the tangerine in just 3 steps

Peel the tangerine

Mandarins are not always easy to peel. However, you can use this alternative method: Follow the 4 steps as shown in the picture and the tangerine will open by itself.

8. Peel the banana as if opening a bag of chips

There are many ways to peel a banana. Usually we break the top end and pull on it. This is not always easy with an unripe banana.

Next time, try this:  Turn the banana over and take the bottom end of the banana between your index finger and thumb with both hands and pull as if opening a bag of chips.

These tricks are used to make household chores easier for us. We are often used to working methods that take longer and make our work difficult.

So be open and test these alternatives yourself.

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