Simple Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids

White radish can be taken in salads or juices. It can also be used in ointments for external use.

Simple home remedies for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can have a variety of causes and affect anyone, regardless of age. There are simple home remedies for hemorrhoids.

The condition mainly affects obese people as well as those who have long been constipated or have had frequent episodes of diarrhea.

One of the most common reasons for hemorrhoids to develop is low fiber diet. Hemorrhoid sufferers often have an unbalanced diet and eat too many fatty acid foods.

This causes the veins in the anus area to thicken, causing painful hemorrhoids to develop. Hemorrhoids are nothing more than unnaturally dilated veins.

Unfortunately, the disease is very widespread.  That’s why we’d like to share with you some home remedies that can be very helpful in preventing, treating, and curing hemorrhoids.

Simple home remedies for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are basically varicose veins that have formed in and around the anus outlet. They can also bleed and are not always easy to treat. Both internal and external hemorrhoids can cause severe pain and discomfort .

Dried figs


Figs have long been used as a  simple home remedy for hemorrhoids. They help restore the intestinal flora and their seeds also counteract constipation, one of the main causes of hemorrhoids.

To perform the treatment correctly, soak four dried figs in cold water overnight. The next day you can eat the soaked figs before breakfast, but you should also drink the soaked water.

Repeat this for at least two to three weeks.



Mango cores (each mango contains a large, flat, elliptical core) then are outstandingly suitable to cure hemorrhoids, especially the bleeding. The kernels are first dried in the sun, then ground into a powder and taken as follows.

Mix a tablespoon of the seed powder with a little honey until a thick paste is formed. Then take at least three teaspoons a day for six months.



Common radishes are also simple home remedies for hemorrhoids. They are anti-inflammatory and can be eaten raw in salads. You can also squeeze out the juice and drink it sweetened with a little honey.

Radish can also be freshly grated to make a paste. It can be applied directly to the hemorrhoids and should then be left on for several minutes and you will feel relief quickly.



Ginger is very effective against hemorrhoids and is also easy to prepare. Squeeze some juice out of a fresh ginger tuber, add the same amount of lemon juice and drink this mixture two or three times a day.

Keep taking this juice until the hemorrhoid problem is resolved.

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