Should You Drink Or Not With Your Meal?

Does the glass of water harm or benefit? This topic is controversial.

Should you drink with your meal or not?

Nothing is drunk with the meal, some are sure of that. But what are the reasons – and are they sound and scientifically tenable? Which is healthier: drink with food or not?

To drink with food or not?

Having something to drink before or during a meal is also often hotly debated on the Internet. There are voices claiming that the drink dilutes stomach acid so that the subsequent food can no longer be properly digested.

Others point out that constipation can occur without a drink at mealtimes. Digestion could stall. But what is right?

It is the same as always: it depends. It depends on what you drink with your meal and what the general conditions are. For example, are you a smoker or a non-smoker.

Today in this article we would like to deal with it and explain to you which drinks make sense to eat with. And when which drinks have a counterproductive effect on digestion.


Does the drink dilute stomach acid?

Tests have shown that a normal and customary amount of drinking does not dilute gastric acid to any relevant extent. Large amounts of drinking could lower the concentration of gastric acid. The acid concentration was still in a range in which digestion can continue to run optimally.

The stomach contents hold 1 – 1.5 liters, depending on the size. So if you drink a whole liter of water with your meal, there is no more room for food!

This is one of the reasons why it makes no sense to avoid drinks with your meal as a precaution. You  won’t be able to drink so much that your stomach acid levels drop so badly that digestion is negatively affected.

And if it does – there is guaranteed to be no more space for even the smallest bite! In addition, the body continuously regulates the production of gastric acid. The stomach acid is never “too thin”. The smell of food or chewing alone stimulates the production of stomach acid.


Some drinks even increase acid production!

Contrary to their fears, most people are faced with the opposite: increased gastric acid production.

This often happens because of stress, but also because of unhealthy eating behavior. Fatty foods, alcohol, and nicotine all promote the production of stomach acid. So if you drink wine or beer with your meal, the opposite of popular belief occurs. The stomach acid levels rise and you get heartburn.

Then it makes sense to go with alcoholic beverages or, if you smoke, to drink a lot with your food.

Does not drink lead to constipation?

One of the reasons for constipation is not drinking enough. You  will not necessarily suffer from constipation if you skip drinks during meals.

In the long run, however, you should get into the habit of drinking with meals. The body regulates itself mostly without your help.

If you do not drink anything or not enough to eat, the intestine draws water from your body during digestion in order to be able to process the pulp optimally. So you’re dehydrating a bit for a short time.

In view of this dehydration and possible constipation, you should always drink extra fluids with your meals.


What should you drink with your meal?

Because alcohol leads to increased gastric acid production and thus can cause heartburn, alcohol is not advisable . Juices and other high-calorie drinks only increase the total caloric intake per meal. You can ultimately find the juice on your hips again.

Drinks that neither increase gastric acid production nor increase the amount of calories are ideal. The best option is always water, which should be room temperature. Another alternative are herbal teas or flavored water.

So please stop worrying about whether it could be harmful to have a drink with your meal in the future. As long as it’s water, you’re basically doing everything right!

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