Save 500 Calories By Cutting Out 8 Foods

Sometimes it’s that easy! For example, you can swap chocolate ice cream for fruit ice cream, or buy tuna in its own juice instead of oil.

Save 500 calories by cutting out 8 foods

Today we explain to you how you can save 500 calories a  day by cutting out certain foods. This makes it easier for you to reach your desired weight, but you have to show perseverance and willpower to reach your goal!

Save 500 calories – it’s that easy!

With these tips, you can quickly cut calories without feeling hungry and in a bad mood all the time. Avoid the following foods!

1. Save calories: Avoid ice cream!

Save calories: Avoid ice cream!

Love ice cream You don’t have to do without it completely, because instead of a creamy chocolate ice cream you can simply choose fruit ice cream, which consists mainly of fruit. It’s best to make the ice cream yourself so you know exactly what ingredients it contains!

You can save a few calories with it, because two scoops of ice cream contain around 227 calories, but the same amount of fruit ice cream only contains around 132 calories.

2. Cupcakes and muffins

Do you love cupcakes and muffins with chocolate and cream? Then you should be careful because they are very high in calories! They contain around 535 calories on average!

We recommend homemade muffins with ginger, as these only have about 230 calories.

  • Don’t forget that milk chocolate, in particular, is very high in calories. But if your body craves something sweet, you can satisfy that need with ginger muffins.

3. Tuna

Save calories with rice pan

Saving calories isn’t that difficult: If you love tuna, you can simply replace tuna in sunflower oil (190 calories) with tuna in its own juice (96 calories).

The tuna is less fat, but retains all its positive properties, such as vitamins (A, B12, D and E), amino acids and minerals (iodine, potassium, iron and phosphorus).

4. Snacks

Do you sometimes treat yourself to a small snack in between? Then remember that popcorn, for example, has fewer calories than nuts.

  • 100 g mixed nuts contain around 600 calories. The same amount of popcorn, on the other hand, is just 375.

5. Fruits instead of cookies

Berries save 500 calories

Cookies are a good way to fight the small hunger pangs between meals. However, this is not the best choice.

When you need a snack, always remember: cookies contain more sugar than you really need.

  • It is better to eat fruit. It contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals that will get you through the day well.

6. Oatmeal instead of cereals

Oatmeal can be a great substitute for your regular breakfast cereals. There are premixed mueslis with oatmeal and dried fruits. They are a healthy alternative to the usual flavored and sugar-based cereals.

  • Oatmeal contains 184 calories per 100g. For sugared cereals there are 375!

7. Potatoes

Believe it or not, frozen potatoes keep you full longer than fresh ones!

  • Why? The starch found in frozen potatoes is healthier and keeps you feeling full longer.

8. Potato chips

If you enjoy eating potato chips, we recommend trying homemade vegetable chips. They taste great and contain far fewer calories than store-bought chips.

Regular potato chips can contain up to 500 calories per 100 g. Vegetable chips, on the other hand, only have 221 calories.

All of these tips will help you live healthier lives. If you do everything right, you can save 500 calories a day. Get started today!

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