Resveratrol: 5 Reasons To Eat Red Grapes

One of the numerous benefits of red grapes is the resveratrol it contains, an antioxidant that works against premature aging and reduces cell damage.

Resveratrol: 5 reasons to eat red grapes

Resveratrol in red grapes is synonymous with health. Of course, white grapes are also very beneficial for health, but the red ones contain even more antioxidants.

Some are unable to distinguish the taste of the different grape varieties, but connoisseurs mostly prefer red grapes.

A wonderful crack when you put the grape (with the skin!) In your mouth and bite on it, then a sweet and sour taste … a real culinary delight! Many eagerly wait for the grape season every year.

As always, the key is in balance: if you eat the right amount of grapes every day, you can gain youth and health.

Then you will find 5 good reasons why you should include red grapes in your daily diet.

1. Red grapes and resveratrol

The skin and the stone of the red grapes contain resveratrol (phytoalexin), which is also called the “molecule of youth”.

  • Resveratrol protects the grapes from external aggressions.
  • This is why the pharmaceutical industry has also been interested in the benefits of this fruit.
  • Red grapes protect us from premature aging  because they contain a large concentration of antioxidants.
  • To benefit from this, you can make a natural grape juice. But don’t forget to use the whole grapes (including skin, pulp and seeds)!
  • The natural fruit juice improves the circulation.
  • Resveratrol also helps against inflammation and promotes the removal of pathogens from the blood.

2. Red grapes for high blood pressure

Both the fiber and potassium found in grapes protect heart health. Because of their high potassium content, grapes are recommended against high blood pressure.

  • Anyone who eats between 15 and 20 grapes can use it to reduce the sodium level.
  • For example, you can eat grapes in salads. A great idea that you should also benefit from at lunchtime or in the evening.

3. Red grapes for constipation

Red grapes can be very useful in treating constipation.

  • If you eat the grapes for breakfast, you have one of the best natural laxatives out there.
  • The natural acids, sugar and cellulose strengthen the intestinal and stomach muscles.
  • Eating grapes regularly can even help with chronic constipation.

However, if you suffer from diarrhea, you should do without grapes!


4. Alzheimer’s and red grapes

A study by the Mount Sinai Medical School (New York, USA) shows that resveratrol can slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

  • The antioxidant effect of red grapes improves memory and can help protect against Alzheimer’s.
  • Resveratrol is said to reduce the effects of mild cognitive decline in the early stages of the disease.
  • In addition, it can be used to control the oxidative metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease. Here red grapes are said to be even more effective than green tea.

Experts point out that red wine (in moderation!) And grapes in their natural form significantly improve brain functions.

5. Cancer prevention through red grapes

Consuming red grapes can be useful in preventing diseases such as breast cancer and colon cancer.

  • The American Institute for Cancer Research did an interesting study on the subject.
  • Both the anthocyanins and the proanthocyanidins found in red grapes can help the body stop the spread of malignant cancer cells.
  • In addition, the polyphenols and resveratrol contained in the grapes have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect  . Consequently, it is believed that they can also slow down cell damage caused by cancer.

Red grapes are also said to be very helpful for all patients treated with chemotherapy.

  • Grape juice provides a lot of energy. In addition, it strengthens the immune system and supports the treatment.
  • The anti-inflammatory effect can alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy.

Talk to your doctor about this topic so they can give you more information about the benefits of grapes.

During the grape season, it is best to consume these delicious fruits on a daily basis. You can use it to promote your well-being and health, it’s worth it!

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