Removal Of Warts With Natural Remedies

It is true that the removal of warts with natural remedies can take a little longer than with chemical treatments. But these home remedies are a lot less invasive. And they’re not that aggressive to the skin.

Warts Removal Using Natural Remedies

Typically, warts are not a serious health problem. Still, it’s always good to have a dermatologist check it out regularly. Because only this can correctly identify any skin changes. If it is indeed a wart, you can  use natural remedies for wart removal .

Skin growths are usually not very noticeable. Sometimes they are really annoying. For example, when they come into contact with clothing or necklaces. It is therefore normal for you to  wish for a wart removal .

In this article, we will introduce you to some natural remedies for wart removal.

All you need is a little patience. With these tips you can get rid of unwanted skin growths in a simple and inexpensive way. And that without damaging the skin or suffering other annoying side effects.

Natural remedies for wart removal

1. Garlic

Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic. It is good for fighting viruses, fungi, bacteria and parasites. And so he can also help you remove warts.

The only “side effect” you will feel a little bit of garlic odor during the treatment.

  • It’s very easy: you just have to put a piece of garlic on the wart and secure it with adhesive plaster. 
  • You should be careful not to cover too much healthy skin with the garlic. For example, let the whole thing work overnight.
  • You repeat this process every day. Until the wart peels off.

2. Fig milk

Fig milk for wart removal

Fig milk is one of the oldest home remedies for removing warts. The white liquid is also effective against corns.

It occurs when you pick a fig from the tree that is still green. So if you have a fig tree, this can be a quick and effective solution to your problem.

Because fig milk, combined with a little patience, also helps to remove warts.

  • This is because fig milk has a high latex content. Thereby it softens any kind of hardening of the skin.
  • You just have to remember that this good juice is only particularly strong at certain times of the year. Because green figs are only available at the beginning of spring and summer.
  • You also need to be careful not to apply fig milk to mucous membranes. Because then it can lead to irritation.

    3. Mugwort

    Mugwort is also called moxa or stinging herb. In traditional Chinese medicine, doctors used this herb to burn warts.

    This was a quick method of removing warts. They placed a small ball of mugwort just above the skin growth.

    However, the herb did not touch the skin. Then they used an incense stick to move the moxa ball back and forth over the affected area while it burned down.

    • Perhaps this method seems a little strange to you. But it can cause the wart to actually fall off after 2 or 3 days. However, you have to be very careful. Because you can get burned. So you need to perform this treatment with special care and caution.
    • This treatment can also be carried out with the so-called moxa therapy.  A kind of mugwort cigar is used, i.e. mugwort sticks rolled in thin paper. These cones or cigars are then left to burn. This application is a thermal stimulation therapy.

      4. Banana peels

      Banana peels for wart removal

      The peels of different fruits can often have healing properties for the treatment of different diseases.

      This is also the case with banana peels. Because these contain a lot of salicylic acid. This makes banana peels very effective for removing warts.

      • With this method, you rub the inner part of the banana peel into the wart affected area every day. You should do this at least once in the morning and once before bed.
      • Banana peels aren’t just good for removing warts. They also have a positive effect on other skin diseases. They also serve to lighten the enamel.

        5. Onions

        The onion is a very powerful and cleansing remedy. For example , it facilitates the elimination of fluids and toxins from our organism.

        As you may already know, onions can be used to prevent and cure infections. But in addition to that, onions are also a good means of removing warts.

        • The easiest way to get rid of warts with onions is as follows: You simply rub the skin overgrowth with a piece of onion for a few seconds. You should be careful not to touch the rest of the skin. Because this way you can avoid possible irritation.
        • You can also put a little olive oil on the skin around the wart beforehand. This serves as a skin protection.

        6. Apple cider vinegar

        Apple cider vinegar is a product that you should always have within reach. Because it has a wide range of uses.

        Apple cider vinegar can also have positive effects on your health. It has a high acid and enzyme content.

        It also has a strong antiviral effect. This makes it a mild but also effective means of removing warts.

        All you have to do is apply the undiluted vinegar to the wart 2 to 3 times a day with the help of a cotton ball.

        If it is possible in the affected area, you can stick the soaked cotton ball on with a plaster. This allows the apple cider vinegar to take effect over a longer period of time.

        Repeat this process until the wart dies and peels off.

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