Relieving Anxiety And Nervousness – 5 Practical Strategies

Movement and meditation are two foundations that are very helpful in relieving anxiety and nervousness and in calming down . You will feel much better immediately afterwards!

Alleviate Anxiety and Nervousness - 5 Practical Strategies

How can you relieve anxiety and nervousness ? These negative emotional states are experienced very intensely and are unpredictable and destructive.

Some refer to fear as a monster, an  unpleasant roommate who pays you a mental visit every now and then to  take control of your reality and challenge it.

Fear and nervousness take away your breath, balance and the ability to carry out everyday tasks in peace.

Taking control or predicting when your brain will interpret a situation as dangerous is not easy. The answer to this is intense and is characterized by a strong adrenaline rush.
Palpitations, cold sweats, negativity, and catastrophic thinking  are the most common reactions in these situations.
But how can you alleviate anxiety and nervousness ? In today’s article, you’ll find 5 practical strategies that you can use.
They are very simple,  but you need willpower and perseverance. If these basic requirements are met, you can achieve positive results in just 2 weeks.

1. Alleviate anxiety and nervousness: New habits can help

Healthy habits are essential for alleviating the effects of anxiety and nervousness.

You can use it to gain more security, better assess what could happen at any moment and plan your work and leisure time better.

  • Fear and nervousness arise especially during the day when it comes to fulfilling obligations and tasks.
  • In order to start the day with energy and a good mood, we recommend that you meditate or do yoga in the morning. Both methods are excellent for calming and harmonizing the mind.
  • At the end of the day  , it’s important to allow time to relax. Get outdoors and make a habit of running every day! Swimming, coloring in mandalas or a good read are also highly recommended.
Woman does sprot because she wants to relieve anxiety and nervousness

2. Learn to think rationally

It is impossible to face your fears if you do not know them. You have to identify these first in order to then be able to put them down.

  • You first need time for an introspection in order to gain self-knowledge. Think about your worries and unrest. What are you scared of? Why and in which situations do you get nervous?
  • Remember that problems often camouflage themselves with negative emotions that make everything look confused and chaotic.
  • Feelings like anger, fear or anger towards the whole world can hide various problems. A few examples: I am dissatisfied with my body, my relationship with my partner is painful or I have had a traumatic childhood …
Woman writes a diary and wants to relieve anxiety and nervousness

First you have to identify the central problem!

3. An open conversation

We all need open and honest conversations with loved ones in order to vent and  feel understood. 

  • Maintain your friendships and get help when you feel that the monster of fear is becoming active in you.
  • Find someone who does not judge you and does not make the mistake of trying to calm you down with words like “you are exaggerating”.
  • You don’t need someone to reinforce your negative feelings or to judge you for it!
  • You are looking for peace and balance. Try to rationally analyze your worries and fears and calm down obsessive thoughts.
Conversation friends want to relieve anxiety and nervousness

4.  Mindfulness  in everyday life

Mindfulness or mindfulness is a philosophy of life that is especially achieved through meditation.

However, it also enables many other approaches that are very effective in reducing anxiety. However, don’t forget that it takes time and willpower to do this!

  • Mindfulness  teaches a present life  in which one becomes aware of current needs.
  • This method connects you closely to the reality that surrounds you so that you can focus on the here and now. You learn not to anticipate things that have not yet happened, as is very often the case with feelings of fear.
  • Mindfulness  can help you adopt better eating habits, relax more and take in fewer stimuli.
  • Mindfulness is also of great help in order to be able to relax more easily, to establish the connection between mind and body, in order to make better use of opportunities without foreseeing negative events.

5. Phrases that alleviate anxiety and nervousness

Different sentences can be very helpful in order to be able to concentrate better on current situations in everyday life and to find inner balance.

Repeating these to you over and over is undoubtedly an excellent strategy for channeling fears.

Here you will find various examples that you can adapt individually to your needs:

  • I am in control of the situation, nothing bad will happen. My mind is calm and my heart is beating slowly. I am relaxed and in no hurry.
  • Everything is fine, I am calm. I am the master of my spirit, the smith of my feelings and the captain of my heart:  nothing can harm me.
  • I’m fine, nothing can disturb me. I feel good, no one can disturb my peace. I am important, I love myself and I respect myself. All I need now is rest and peace.
Woman meditates by the sea in the sunset and wants to relieve fear and nervousness

Do not doubt to implement these practical strategies in everyday life. They are very helpful, see for yourself!

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