“Plank”: A Simple Exercise That Strengthens The Entire Body

The “Plank” exercise is simply called “Unterarmstütz” in German, but that sounds boring, which is why the term has gained acceptance.

“Plank”: a simple exercise that strengthens the entire body

Plank ” is the English word for “board” or “plank” in German. It describes a simple exercise that trains the entire body and literally makes the muscles “hard as a board”.

We’ll show you how exactly this exercise works and what it does.

Plank = forearm support

The exercise “Plank” is simply called “Unterarmstütz” in German, but that sounds boring, which is why the English term has established itself.

The exercise is child’s play anywhere: at home in the bedroom or living room or when traveling in a hotel room, on the beach or while sunbathing on the lawn.

You don’t need any accessories or devices and you don’t have to buy expensive sports equipment.

A static exercise

In the forearm support exercise, only your own body weight is effective and the training effect is achieved through static holding, not through movement.

First and foremost, your abdominal muscles are strengthened, but also a variety of other muscle parts such as triceps, shoulder, chest and leg muscles.

There are different versions of the “plank”: classic with both forearms on the floor, then the side “plank”, where only one forearm is on the floor, and the “rotation plank”, where movement is added and not just the muscles is strengthened by static holding.

The exercises are suitable for everyone, beginners and professionals. No prior knowledge required.


Classic forearm support: instructions

You need non-slip shoes or you are barefoot. Your feet need a firm hold on the surface on which you want to do the exercise.

Maybe you also have a thin gymnastics or yoga mat that you can train on? A carpet does too, it’s all about taking the pressure off hard floors off your forearms.

Lie on your stomach. Then you take the push-up position, but with your forearms on the floor. The upper body is supported by the forearms.

Your elbows should be at shoulder height. It is up to you whether you lay your forearms parallel in front of you or let them taper so that your hands touch. Try out what is convenient for you.

The legs are also parallel to each other and hip-width apart. The feet only touch the ground with the toes. The legs, back and head should now be in a straight line, look down and do not lift your head forward.

Now tense your stomach, buttocks and back muscles and hold this position for at least 20 seconds.

You can increase the duration every day, but please do not cheat – the exercise is not effective enough with a hollow back, bent knees or raised head!

Tips for the “plank”

If you make sure to really tighten your buttocks, the thought that you are imagining that you want to push the middle of your buttocks towards the floor but have to work against it with your stomach can help .

If the exercise is not difficult enough for you, you can make it even more difficult with weights.

To do this, put weights (or heavy soft objects) on your hips. A bag of rice or flour or running weights are a good idea.

If the exercise is too difficult for you, try to position your forearms a little higher, for example on a bench, a high seat cushion, a mattress or something similar.

You want more? Then try not to push your elbows at shoulder level, but to keep them taut. You will see that the exercise is more difficult then.

Are two legs one leg too many for you? Then exercise the forearm support with only one leg on the floor and alternately stretch the other leg horizontally backwards.

Still too easy? Then also lift the arm opposite the lifted leg.

“Plank Challenge Event”

There was the “Plank Challenge Event” on Facebook, where users were encouraged to extend the duration of the forearm support every day and thus be able to hold the position for 270 seconds after 30 days.

The campaign was initiated by a sports teacher from Vienna. Almost 500,000 people took part and trained “plank” every day. The “challenge” is now over, the benefit of the exercise remains.

Have fun exercising at home or on the go!

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