Nausea: Causes And Prevention

Nausea, dizziness, hot flashes and a feeling of wretchedness characterize attacks of nausea

Nausea: causes and prevention

Nausea can have many causes, but basically (almost) all of them act on a mechanism in the brain.

Regardless of whether it is stimuli from the digestive tract, the brain or other parts of the body: A certain interaction of many factors causes the vomiting center to be alerted and we feel nausea .

This is often accompanied by sweats, hot flashes, paleness, increased salivation, dizziness, etc.


Causes of nausea

As simple as the explanation for the development of nausea is, the clarification of the causes of nausea is not. These can be very versatile and different.

Some causes are harmless, while others should be seen as serious warning signs of a more serious illness. The following causes are among others for the nausea:

  • pregnancy
  • Poisoning (e.g. excessive alcohol consumption)
  • Kidney failure
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Tumor diseases / cancer
  • Head injuries (e.g., concussion)
  • Brain diseases
  • migraine
  • travel sickness
  • Dehydration
  • Central nervous system disorders
  • Intestinal obstruction (medical emergency!)
  • Peritonitis (medical emergency!)
  • Blood loss (life threatening !!)
  • Strong pain
a headache

Risks of nausea

The vomiting resulting from severe nausea is a kind of emergency reaction and at this moment serves the body to rid itself of toxins, for example, which were the cause and trigger of the nausea.

Frequent vomiting, whether consciously induced or triggered by persistent, untreated nausea, can damage one’s health. Vomiting leads to:

  • dehydration
  • Lack of electrolytes
  • Weight loss
  • Tooth damage from stomach acid
  • Decrease in the effectiveness of drugs.
  • Frequent vomiting can lead to metabolic imbalances!

It is therefore important, even in the case of a single vomiting, to immediately compensate for the resulting loss of fluid and electrolytes.

Special solutions from the pharmacy, special drinks and house recipes such as vegetable broth, chicken broth, “Cola + pretzel sticks”, glucose with salt, diluted fruit and vegetable juices and other household remedies are suitable for this.

It is important to rinse your mouth thoroughly and several times with clear water immediately after vomiting so that the stomach acid has as little time as possible to damage the tooth enamel!

What helps?

There are, of course, drugs that can eliminate the nausea and make the nausea go away.

However, these should only be used if the cause is clearly established and completely harmless.

This includes motion sickness and gastrointestinal viral diseases.

If the cause is not clear, please let the fingers of such preparations and looking for as quickly as possible, consult a doctor to rule out potentially serious diseases!

But there are also natural remedies for nausea that we would like to introduce to you:



In the pharmacy there are special bracelets that stimulate a specific acupuncture point on the wrist. This reduces travel sickness or does not even arise.

It is important that this bracelet is purchased in the correct size and that it is also worn in the correct location. Only then can it help against nausea!

Ginger ale


The jack-of-all-trades ginger is also an excellent ally in the fight against nausea.

Its ingredients work almost as well as synthetically produced remedies against nausea and vomiting!

If you don’t like the taste of ginger, you can take tablets with concentrated active ingredients of ginger, but since liquid intake is always useful when you are sick, we recommend ginger tea.

Rub the ginger in boiling water to make a strong brew. Drink in small sips. You can also chew candied ginger or fresh pieces of ginger to prevent travel sickness. Please do not use during pregnancy!



The essential oils in fennel seeds have a calming effect on the stomach. Make a strong fennel tea with several tea bags or spoons of fennel seeds. Alternatively, you can chew fennel seeds. The fresh taste in the mouth is also good!

What promotes nausea

When you feel sick, you can use simple behaviors to keep the feeling of sickness from getting worse. If the nausea lasts longer than a few hours, please consult a doctor!

Smoking, carbon dioxide, hot spices, pollutants (e.g. alcohol) and fats intensify the evil. However, you should definitely consider the following if you are sick:

  • Do not smoke (nicotine makes you feel sick).
  • No alcohol consumption (alcohol is a poison).
  • No carbonated drinks.
  • Take only small sips.
  • Eat small portions (e.g. rusks, rice, noodle soup, etc.).
  • Avoid fatty foods.
  • Avoid strong spices.

We wish you a speedy recovery!

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