Naturally Lowering High Cholesterol Levels

Animal fats from sausage and meat products, as well as cheese and finished products such as pizza, lasagna and the like, drive cholesterol levels to astronomical heights.

Lower high cholesterol naturally

The doctor found you have high cholesterol levels in your blood and now you should do something about it? Or would you like to prevent yourself from having high blood lipid values?

Have your good resolutions for the new year wavered? In this article you will find out how you can positively influence your blood cholesterol levels .

Grilled meat

Avoid animal fats

A truism, of course! But animal fats from sausage and meat products, as well as cheese and ready-made products such as pizza, lasagna and the like, drive cholesterol levels to astronomical heights.

You don’t have to do without meat and sausage entirely, but it does help a lot if you make sure that you prefer the lower-fat variants. You will see: low-fat sausage tastes just as good and a lean ham has a great aroma!

It doesn’t have to be the fatty pork neck steak or the bacon – how about smoked pork and boiled ham? Meat is also delicious with less fat! Dairy products are also available in low-fat versions!

Even if you first think it doesn’t taste good: Our taste buds are “creatures of habit”, if the stimulus remains constant (about 7x) they recognize a new flavor as “normal”, the old eating habit tastes “different”. Good to know for everyone who should eat low-salt, for example!


Oil instead of butter

When frying, replace the butter with high-quality vegetable oil. But be careful: butter browns when it gets too hot, oils start to smoke! When buying your frying oil, make sure that it is also suitable for frying. Cold-pressed oils are never that!

Replace animal fats with vegetable oils as often as possible, fry in frying oil instead of lard and butter and replace the piece of butter on vegetables with delicious vegetable oil!

The higher quality the oil on the vegetables or salad, the better! Local rapeseed oil, safflower oil or linseed oil are good oils for salads and vegetables. They have the best fatty acid ratio. Olive oil isn’t bad, but other oils do even better!

Warning: palm oil and coconut oil are unhealthy and raise the cholesterol level!


Fruit and cholesterol levels

A simple trick: In an American study, a handful of dried apple rings per day reduced the cholesterol level of the study participants by 23% within 6 months!

The apple pectin contained in the apples is said to be the reason for this. If you replace the dry apples with fresh ones, you also give yourself an additional vitamin kick and increase your fiber intake.



Fiber is very effective against high cholesterol. Studies have shown that when a high-cholesterol meal is followed by a high-fiber meal, the increase in blood cholesterol was significantly lower.

The roughage works in the intestine like a kind of “cleaning column”: it cleans the cholesterol that is still attached to the intestinal veins from the previous meal before it gets into the blood and transports it towards the toilet bowl.

Specifically, this means: the more fiber you eat, the less cholesterol actually gets into your blood!


Nuts and oil seeds

What are the good oils pressed from? Right, made from nuts and oil seeds. Just under 70g of nuts per day lower the cholesterol level in the blood by up to 7%! This is due to the many unsaturated fatty acids contained in nuts and oil seeds.

A muesli (keyword: fiber!) With an apple in it (see above) and a few nuts with low-fat milk is a great way to start the day – and an excellent breakfast to lower the cholesterol level.



Those who exercise more in everyday life use more fat and calories and strengthen their muscle mass. The less fat is stored in the body, the lower the cholesterol levels.

It’s not about competitive sports, but about a little more exercise in everyday life. Stairs instead of lifts, bicycles instead of cars, getting off the bus one stop early, a walk during the lunch break. Such small things can make a big difference!


Soy protein

American scientists found out over 10 years ago: soy protein lowers cholesterol levels! Just 25 grams are enough, which can be found in 180g tofu or ½ liter soy milk.

Soy products not only lower cholesterol, they are also good for the brain, help prevent cancer and are especially great for women to relieve symptoms of menopause.

The good content of natural calcium is also good against osteoporosis. To stick with our high fiber breakfast with apples and nuts.

If you replace the dairy product in the muesli with a soy product, you have already done a lot with the first meal of the day to lower your cholesterol level!

Fruit cereal

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