My Companion Does Not Help With The Household With

If your partner does not help you with the household, it can be due to various factors that have been taught to him. Fortunately, this behavior can change.

My companion does not help with the household

Quarrels often arise because the companion refuses to help out with the household.

“My partner doesn’t help with the household,” is a complaint that one hears almost every day. It doesn’t take any scientific studies to understand that it makes women feel frustrated and exhausted.

However, it is worthwhile to analyze the situation and find the reasons and possible solutions for it.

It used to be that the man took care of the income and the woman took care of the household. But times have changed as women take on other important roles these days. The old mentality persists, however: she has to take care of the household.

The woman works, earns money, looks after the children and also takes care of the household, while her companion usually does not lift a finger in the household after work. We talk a lot about equality, but a lot is still missing in practice.

Women still fight complex struggles in this regard.

Why doesn’t my companion help with the household?

Housewife cleans up

Our differences in perception of tasks are clouded by our personal histories, unequal treatment of men and women, and the expectations with which we go into marriage.

There are many reasons women claim that their companion is not helping around the house.

  • Dependency Education : A man whose mother did everything in the household doesn’t understand why he should help. That’s because he enters marriage with the expectation that his wife should take care of everything.
  • “Superwoman” : Sometimes the problem lies with the woman herself, who wants to do everything on her own and does not assign any tasks to her husband. So he gets used to this situation.
  • He doesn’t know how : That might sound like an excuse and often it is, but there are actually men who don’t help because they don’t know how. If he lends a hand, there will be even greater chaos.
  • Machos : Society has evolved when it comes to the roles of women, but sometimes our men lag a little behind. Indeed, there are still those who believe they are less man when doing the washing up.

Some men think of themselves as a kind of king and believe that everything at home should be brought to them on the sofa.

What to do?

When you are tired of doing it all by yourself, both physically and mentally, it is time to make a change. We would like to give you some tips here so that your suffering is over once and for all.

  • Deal with him : ask your companion what is preventing him from getting involved in such an important task as keeping the household tidy.
  • Choose the tasks together : Since you are two different, mutually complementary people, you can figure out who takes on which tasks together. There are women who don’t like to cook or men who just don’t tidy up well. You have to think about who is best suited for this.
  • Household List: Make a list of daily household chores. Even the most forgetful companion no longer has an excuse and has to remember his responsibility.

Teach him to help you

It's easier together

As mentioned earlier, it is not always bad will that leads to it. Upbringing or your own attitude may also have led him to this addiction. Now is the time to learn how to run the household.

First give him very simple tasks, such as washing windows, washing dishes, dusting or taking out the trash. It is important that you do not criticize him.

Don’t look over his shoulder all the time or make fun of him. Rather, teach him how to do things right.

Does all household responsibility seem to fall back on you? Do you also constantly complain that your companion is not helping you around the house?

If you want to change something, you have to take the first step. Follow the tips we give you and improve your quality of life. Make agreements that both benefit and satisfy you.

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