Model With Down Syndrome: Triumph In New York

Beauty has many facets: There are not only those women who are mostly to be seen on catwalks or in fashion magazines, but also real women with physical or intellectual difficulties or a little more waist size can be beautiful!

Model with Down Syndrome: Triumph in New York

18 year old Madeline Stuart, known as Maddy by friends, is a beautiful Australian girl. Despite Down syndrome, she and her family have made their dreams come true.

Many girls dream of being a model, but the desire is often not enough. Only those who fight for their dreams and are optimistic about them can achieve their goals.

Some claim that Madeline Stuart’s success was thanks to social networking and pressure from anonymous supporters.

In truth, Maddy was seen on the catwalk in New York, because she deserved it: Her wit, her beauty and vitality, which are only inherent in people who shine through her “authentic light”, made her the focus.

Today we want to tell you more about this beautiful girl.

Madeline Stuart: the star of all cameras


It is unusual for a  model with Down syndrome to revolutionize the world of fashion. On the catwalk and in magazines, you can usually only see thin girls who are fashionable.

Even if some things have changed, at least partially, in recent years and some models with a little more size are on the catwalk, it is extraordinary that a girl with Down syndrome can be seen in New York Fashion Week .

Madeline Stuart had not only set herself the goal of becoming a model, she wanted to make us all aware of this reality and make us all think:

  • The women we see on the catwalk or in fashion magazines do  not represent the real woman  in our society.
  • Real women are undoubtedly all those pretty and thin girls,  but also all women with a normal or larger waist size  and of course all those who have to struggle with physical or mental difficulties.
  • Maddy had weight problems for a while. Her doctors’ recommendations made her think: The 20 kg excess weight could have a very negative impact on her health.
  • Beauty and health go hand in hand. It’s not about fashion magazines showing extremely thin or overweight models. A woman is beautiful when she is healthy according to her characteristics. Maddy learned this very quickly.
  • When she reached a body weight appropriate for her constitution, she felt better than ever. She was beautifully built now and  felt pretty and confident. 

    This inner happiness is reflected in her beautiful face, which is loved by the cameras.

    The first model with Down syndrome on the catwalk in New York

    Even though children with Down syndrome have already been seen in the fashion world,  Maddy was the first adult to take part in “New York Fashion Week” –  and with great success!

    She attracted everyone’s attention, not only because of her extraordinary charm, also her maturity and elegance on the catwalk were admirable – like the best model!

    Rosanne Stuart, Maddy’s mother and manager, says her daughter’s attendance at New York Fashion Week isn’t just a personal achievement. Rather  , Maddy symbolizes the integration of various people into the fashion world. 


    This young woman with Down syndrome also represents sincere love,  a way of educating others with values  such as respect, appreciation and the ability to outdo yourself.

    In her native Australia, Maddy Stuart was crowned “Representative of National Pride”. We are sure that she will achieve this everywhere:

    • Maddy  was always aware of her abilities, but her body  didn’t fit the stereotypes of the fashion world. She has difficulty speaking, cannot formulate words correctly and has been overweight for a long time.
    • Maddy was aware of these limits and decided to fight them. She has learned to express herself better, even if she still struggles with it – but she can be understood. In addition, with her willpower, she managed to weigh 20 kg less.

      Maddy in front of the camera

      • She knows how to charm the camera. She is confident and mature in her appearance,  feels happy with her image and her body  and knows how to use her advantages.
      • Maddy Stuart also  represents a cosmetic brand: Glossigirl. The bag company EverMaya has launched a collection and a series of accessories called “The Madeline”.
      • In San Francisco, Maddy will soon be named Model of the Year. But that’s not all: Maddy has also achieved great success in social networks. She has thousands of fans on Facebook and Twitter.

      We will certainly be able to report more often about this successful and extraordinary young woman  and hope that this is only the beginning  and that many people will follow this example: Everyone has a right to realize their dreams!

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