Low Self-esteem: Your Own Enemy

It is always important to distinguish between opinion and reality

Low self-esteem: your own enemy

Our emotional balance depends to a large extent on our self-esteem. Therefore, low self-esteem affects more in our life than we initially assume.

Sometimes weak self-esteem also develops into our own enemy. Fortunately, it is up to us to change something about it!

Weak self-esteem paralyzes

Many people who have a miserable self-esteem are paralyzed in their lives as a result, do not get any further, have the feeling that they always have to put themselves behind, not being able to develop themselves.

They are paralyzed by their own self-esteem, but it is in their own hands to keep this state or to work to change it.

A weak self-esteem paralyzes the whole day. It is difficult to leave the house in the morning with positive thoughts, full of energy and joy of life. Frustration and uncertainty accompany the day and are constant companions.

It is not uncommon for this dangerous combination to lead to serious depressive moods and even depression. So it is important to work on your own self-confidence to prevent this!

You don’t always manage to free yourself from the negative spiral of weak self-esteem.

If you find out about this, please seek professional help from a psychologist! This will ensure that your emotional balance is positive in the long term and prevent depression.


Opinions that hit you

People with low self-esteem are very susceptible to taking other people’s opinions for granted and fact rather than just for what they really are: opinions.

Anyone is free to express an opinion, but it should never be so significant that it affects your self-esteem to the point where you feel bad.

The mistake is to see other people’s opinions as confirmation of your behavior.

If there is no confirmation because the opinion is unexpectedly different, you will suffer from it, your mood will sink together with your self-confidence into the deep basement.

Do not allow this to happen by realizing that this opinion has nothing to do with you as a person and your worth!

Why should your own opinion that you have about yourself be dependent on the opinion of other people? Don’t you yourself know best who you are?

Why should other people know better than you do? Therefore, always look at such expressions of opinion from a distance and do not let them get to you!

An opinion is and remains that of another person and should not affect your self-esteem. It is in your own hands to what extent you allow this or not.


Stop being your own enemy

If you believe other people more than yourself, if you confuse opinions with facts, if you let such things lower your self-confidence, then you stand in your own way to happiness as your own enemy.

Be active and take care of yourself, appreciate your own worth! You can do a lot in everyday life to strengthen your self-confidence:

  • Set realistic goals for yourself
  • Be aware of your own limits
  • Appreciate your qualities
  • Treat yourself with affection
  • Be positive
  • Express constructive criticism yourself
  • Give yourself time
  • Act confidently
  • Exercise, exercise
  • Never compare yourself to others!

Constantly thinking in retrospect whether you are the one you would like to be or whether there is potential for change, what are the positions that you would like to change? Work on it step by step, dare to approach these points on your way to more self-confidence!


Talk about it!

Problems often solve themselves once you have just spoken them out. And dreams do indeed come true faster when you talk about them.

Then dreams become plans. Concrete plans that will be implemented. Talk about your problems, dreams and plans, talk about what is bothering you. Because as soon as it’s “out”, the easier it will be for you to take care of it!

It is normal for everyone to suffer setbacks, but it is not normal to let your own enemy, bad self-esteem, affect your life and drag you negatively.

It is up to you to change this. It’s best to start right away! What can you do especially good?

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