Lines On The Nails And How To Get Rid Of Them

Although they appear mostly as a result of bruising or lack of nutrients, marks on the nails can also indicate more serious problems.

Lines on Nails and How to Get Rid of Them

All women want to have strong and beautiful nails that do not break easily. The problem is that sometimes spots, grooves or lines appear on the nails that not only make the nails look worse, but are a symptom of an imbalance in our body.

In this article, find out what the lines on the nails mean and how to treat them naturally.

Causes of Lines on Nails

White, more or less thick lines that appear horizontally on the nails can have different causes. The most common are the following:

Serious illness with high fever

Lines on nails

Infectious processes, such as the flu or cold, which are accompanied by a high fever, can be responsible for the appearance of horizontal lines on the nails. These only become visible months after the illness.

This can also happen with pneumonia or scarlet fever. In this case  , the lines become visible on several nails at the same time,  because the organism focuses on curing the disease and not on the growth of the nails.

No treatment is necessary as the grooves will gradually disappear once you have recovered.

Lines on the nails due to psoriasis

Lines on the nails due to psoriasis

This skin disorder, which causes flaking and inflammation, affects different parts of the body, including the nails, where it can cause horizontal lines.

People with this disease often suffer greatly as the pain and itching can be intense. While there is no theoretical cure for psoriasis, many find great relief in a healthy, balanced diet.

It is recommended to eat fresh and natural foods with low amounts of sugar, refined and harmful fats.

Circulatory disorders

Lines and grooves on the nails can also be caused by  insufficient blood flow to the legs. In this case, there are also symptoms such as heavy legs or varicose veins.

The changes in the nails can indicate that not enough blood is getting to the toes, so it is important to see a doctor. 

Various measures to improve blood circulation include:

  • Lead an active life and avoid sitting for hours.
  • A healthy diet supplemented with red fruits and vegetables (tomatoes, red berries, peppers, etc.).
  • Cold showering of the legs.
  • Massage of the legs with essential oils (rosemary, cypress, witch hazel).

Zinc deficiency

Lines on nails

Zinc is an essential trace element that is indispensable for many functions of our body and also for strong and healthy nails.

Zinc deficiency can lead to the appearance of spots or horizontal lines on the nails, which should be a warning sign of increasing consumption.

You can take zinc as a dietary supplement or ingest it through your diet:

  • Cocoa powder
  • dried watermelon seeds
  • flesh
  • Oysters
  • peanuts
  • sesame
  • Pumpkin (and its seeds)
  • butter

Aging as a cause of lines on the nails

Lines on the nails of a woman who looks in the mirror

The most common explanation for vertical lines on nails is the inevitable aging process. However, with a good diet high in antioxidants, one can delay the  aging process that is caused externally and internally by free radicals.

The following foods have a strong antioxidant effect:

  • cocoa
  • Garlic and onions
  • avocado
  • grape
  • tomato
  • lemon
  • broccoli
  • turmeric
  • Green tea
  • nuts
  • Apple
  • pepper

Vitamin B12 deficiency

In some cases, the appearance of lines can be due to a lack of vitamin B12, that is, pernicious anemia.

It is important to get an accurate medical diagnosis to find out the causes of these vitamin deficiencies. The reasons are mostly to be found in a poor absorption of this nutrient due to an intestinal disease or in a strictly vegetarian diet.

The following foods are good sources of vitamin B12:

  • Eggs
  • flesh
  • seafood
  • Dairy products
  • Spirulina
  • Brewer’s yeast

Magnesium deficiency


A lack of magnesium can also cause lines to appear on your nails.

Foods rich in magnesium are, for example:

  • Green leafy vegetables (spinach, broccoli, kale …)
  • Cocoa powder
  • Dried fruits
  • Oily fish
  • avocado

In some cases, a magnesium supplement is required. Magnesium chloride (excellent against constipation) or magnesium citrate (effective against gastric acid complaints) are usually prescribed.


In summary, it can be mentioned  that the state of health is reflected in the nails. White lines, spots or grooves can indicate health problems, so it is important to watch for any changes. As a precautionary measure, you can try to prevent nail hits and lead a healthy life. If you have any further questions, it is best to seek advice from your doctor.

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