Latest Studies: Effect Of Vitamins C, D And Melatonin On Coronavirus

In the last few weeks, the effect of certain micronutrients on Covid-19 has been examined. We briefly summarize some of the findings of scientific work. 

Latest studies: effect of vitamins C, D and melatonin on coronavirus

In the search for various treatment options for patients with Covid-19, scientists are primarily focusing on pharmacological therapies. In particular, it is about treating bilateral pneumonia, which is caused by the coronavirus and in many cases is fatal. But the  latest studies are also examining the effects of high-dose micronutrients such as vitamin C and vitamin D. 

In today’s article, we will look at these studies in more detail.

Latest Studies: Vitamin C Used To Treat Covid-19

As part of a Chinese treatment protocolCovid-19 patients were given vitamin C in combination with antiviral drugs intravenously. In addition, scientists carried out a clinical study with 140 participants to evaluate the results of this therapy.

This study is based on a systematic revision published in the Journal of Medical Virology . It turns out that the administration of vitamin C and zinc can have a beneficial effect on the course of this type of pathology.

On the other hand, there are various scientific articles available that link vitamin C deficiency to a poorly functioning immune system. A normal dosage can stimulate the body’s defenses. But high-dose vitamin C makes it possible to reduce the incidence and duration of viral diseases.

The available scientific literature also shows that taking vitamin C activates the lymphocytes. In addition, the high dosage is said to be very safe. Other systematic revisions suggest that administration of hydrocortisone, thiamine, and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) can be effective in treating sepsis.

It should be emphasized that sepsis and multiple organ failure are among the most common causes of death when infected with SARS-CoV-2. Another task of the mentioned drug combination is to repair the endothelium of the lungs (a thin layer of tissue that acts as a barrier). This is the result of a study published in the journal Chest .

latest studies: treatment options Covid-19
The effect of vitamin C as a supportive treatment for Covid-19 is still being researched.

Vitamin D and the immune system

A recent article in Medicine & Pharmacology suggests that plasma concentrations of vitamin D above 50 ng / ml reduce the likelihood of contracting a viral infection such as flu by 27 percent.

On the other hand  , vitamin D deactivates the production of renin, an enzyme that is required for the production of angiotensin II. This peptide hormone has vasoconstricting properties, promotes inflammation and increases blood pressure. An infection with SARS-CoV-2 is said to be closely related to an increased production of this enzyme.

In addition, various scientific articles recommend high-dose vitamin D for the treatment of pneumonia in combination with the corresponding pharmacological therapy. High levels of this micronutrient are also associated with a lower likelihood of a respiratory infection, according to the journal BMC Infectious Diseases  .

According to the experts, taking high-dose vitamin D appears to be safe. However, more studies are needed to assess the risk of kidney stones that could develop when vitamin D is given in combination with calcium.

Latest studies: melatonin and coronavirus

As for prevention, it’s important to mention  that the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin may play a role. The effects of melatonin have been studied as a preventive measure against flu, and positive results have been obtained.

The scientific literature shows that melatonin inhibits the formation of cytokines, which promote inflammatory processes.

The results of the studies carried out on laboratory mice cannot be fully transferred to humans. But some authors defend melatonin therapy to prevent viral pneumonia. There is definitely scientific evidence of melatonin’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

latest studies on coronavirus
The new coronavirus attacks different areas of the body, but mainly damages the lungs.

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Nutrients and Coronavirus: More Research Is Needed!

Since it is a new virus, the scientific knowledge is still limited. But new studies and research are underway to find  therapies that can reduce the death rate. In addition to currently available pharmacological treatments, scientists are also researching the effects of high-dose micronutrients to treat pneumonia and sepsis caused by SARS-CoV-2.

Many clinical trials have been launched in the past few weeks to achieve this goal. However, the results do not yet allow any conclusive, evidence-based conclusions. However, much data seems to suggest  that vitamins C and D could be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19 , always in combination with antiviral drugs.

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