Is The Beer Diet Healthy? Find Out!

Did you know that beer has many health benefits? In the following article, we will explain which ones they are.

Is the Beer Diet Healthy?  Find out!

Like all alcoholic beverages, beer has a bad reputation when it comes to health, which is in large part unjustified. In fact, beer can have a positive effect on our body. In this article we would therefore like to find out whether the so-called beer diet is healthy.

Since beer contains alcohol, it is recommended not to consume excessive amounts of it. However, moderate consumption is acceptable. In order for the beer diet to be healthy , however, you should rather fall back on the non-alcoholic version of this popular drink.

Since it is still strange to speak of a diet based on this famous drink, it should be mentioned that beer has a bad reputation for being associated with alcoholism.

However, scientific research has shown that beer also offers many health benefits. We would like to talk about these in this article.

The beer belly is just a myth

Is the Beer Diet Healthy?  And what is the truth of the beer belly myth?

Around the world, beer consumption has been linked to an increase in waist size, popularly known as the “beer belly”.

However, the latest scientific studies have shown that beer contains few calories and is not directly related to the increase in waist size.

This leads to the idea that the so-called beer belly is more likely to arise as a result of high fat consumption and the retention of liquids.

The beer belly is not caused by the beer, but by other unhealthy habits. If, however, a beer belly is already present, the consumption of beer leads to increased gas formation and flatulence.

Beer does not lead to obesity

The fact that someone who is overweight drinks beer does not mean that that drink caused the obesity.

Several studies have been done to establish a link between obesity and beer. As the results have shown, there is no evidence that consuming beer leads to weight gain.

Of course, a person who drinks beer may be overweight, but this excess weight is more related to metabolism or increased calorie intake. The latter refutes the myth that beer makes you fat because it contains very few calories.

The beer diet

This is the ideal moment to make something clear: When we introduced you to the concept of the beer diet, we didn’t mean that you should only drink beer. Rather, it means that if you are on a diet to lose weight, beer is allowed. However, always in moderation and preferably in the alcohol-free version.

As we mentioned earlier , beer in moderation is recommended if you are looking to lose weight. This is due to the following advantages:

Low in calories and essential nutrients

First of all, you can drink beer while on a diet without worrying about gaining weight. Standard (33 cl) beer contains only 148 calories. If you choose the non-alcoholic version, it’s only 68 calories per beer.

The latter is more recommendable. Not just because it has fewer calories, but also to limit your intake of alcohol, which is actually responsible for beer’s bad reputation.

  • Beer also contains minerals, vitamins (especially B vitamins) and has a diuretic effect.

What to look for in order to keep the beer diet healthy

What to look for in order to keep the beer diet healthy

It is actually not a proper diet

We recommend drinking beer if you are on a diet to lose weight. Beer in no way replaces certain foods.

Just be aware that the drink is not only low in calories, but also contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

For example, when you feel like having a drink, beer is much more beneficial to your body and has a lot fewer calories than a soft drink or pasteurized juice.

Don’t forget that these drinks are high in sugar and high in calories, even if it’s the light version. That’s why you’d better go for non-alcoholic beer.

Beer only in moderation and not in combination with high-calorie products

Moderate consumption corresponds to 2 to 3 beers a day for men. For women it is 1 to 2. More is definitely unhealthy!

While it might be obvious, we’d like to address it: There is no point drinking beer because it is low in calories but you combine it with high-calorie products, especially fatty foods. With this mixture you are guaranteed to gain weight.

Beer after exercise

Did you know that beer is a great option for adding minerals to the body after exercising? The same applies here: always in moderation and, if possible, without alcohol.

  • Beer contains maltodextrin, a carbohydrate that helps to rebalance the fluid balance after exercise.

That is why the beer diet is healthy

Research has shown that the micronutrients found in beer promote cardiovascular health as they have a healing effect on the heart. Beer also contains polyphenols, silicon and falvonoids, which are good for your bones.

Who would have thought that, but the beer diet is especially healthy for women. Beer contains anti-inflammatory substances, antioxidants, and improves estrogen activity.

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