Improve Kidney Function Naturally With These 8 Tips

You can improve the function of your kidneys naturally by drinking more water and trying to sweat more. This prevents infections and removes toxins from the body.

Improve kidney function naturally with these 8 tips

The kidneys are delicate organs that react quickly to factors such as poor diet, stress, and negative emotions. It is therefore important to naturally strengthen the functioning of the kidneys.

You can protect your kidneys with good habits. This is especially important if a family history has a history of kidney problems.

In this article, we’ll give you 8 tips on how to  improve kidney function . Healthy eating, natural remedies, and a few simple tricks will help you with this.

Tips to improve kidney function

1. Drink plenty of water

Drinking enough water throughout the day is the easiest, cheapest, and most natural way to protect the kidneys. This will help prevent kidney stones, inflammation, and infection. But be sure to drink water that is low in sodium. Otherwise it is more likely to be harmful.

  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. Spread it out throughout the day and drink between meals. It is also important to have a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach.

2. Less salt

A small amount of salt a day is good for the body. Unrefined salt such as sea salt or Himalayan salt is best.

Don’t consume too much salt, however. Ready meals in particular contain a lot of salt that you usually don’t even notice. Sodium chloride, which does not contain any other minerals and trace elements that the body needs, is mainly used in frozen dishes.

  • If you ingest too much salt, the kidneys need more water to process it. This then leads to a disruption in your body’s fluid balance.
  • Salt also increases blood pressure, which over time damages the nephrons.

3. Less dairy products

Milk worsens kidney function

However, salt isn’t the only food that can damage your kidneys. Milk and dairy products ensure that more calcium is excreted from the body in the urine. This increases the risk of kidney stones, especially if you don’t drink enough water or if you have a genetic predisposition.

  • Anyone who consumes dairy products primarily because of the calcium they contain should remember that the human body cannot fully utilize the calcium from milk. On the contrary, it can even harm the body in the long term.

    4. Less sugar

    Just like your lungs, the kidneys are responsible for regulating the pH level in the body. When you eat too much sugar, the acidity in the blood increases, which can overload the kidneys.

    • While salt is one of the most harmful foods for the kidneys, sugar also has a bad impact.
    • If necessary, resort to alternatives such as stevia, panela, or coconut blossom sugar.

    5. Sweating

    Sweating improves kidney function

    Every time you sweat, you reduce the workload on your kidneys. This is because the body excretes fluids and toxins through sweating. Therefore, a sweaty workout is just the thing to support the functioning of your kidneys.

    How do you work up a good sweat?

    • High or medium load training or interval training
    • sauna
    • Spicy foods like ginger or cayenne pepper

    6. Kidney cleansing

    You should do a detox regimen once or twice a year. The transitions between the seasons are particularly suitable for this. Such a regimen helps the kidneys get rid of all toxins and improve their function.

    You can use the following remedies to support kidney cleansing:

    • Onion and garlic soup
    • Green smoothies made from pear, celery and apple
    • Dandelion, horsetail and burdock teas

    7. Anxiety and negative emotions

    Anxiety worsens kidney function

    Bad emotions and anxiety also affect the functioning of the organs. For example, anger damages the liver, sadness affects the lungs and fear mainly affects the kidneys.

    If you have severe anxiety, a therapist can help you control it. Courage and optimism are also important for your well-being in everyday life.

    8. Warmth

    Just like the liver, the kidneys benefit from heat. You can use a hot water bottle or heat patch on your stomach to help your kidneys work better. It’s also important to avoid cold drafts in the kidney area if you have kidney problems.

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