Ideas For Recycling Used Cooking Oil

Used cooking oil can have serious consequences for the environment. But there are interesting ways to recycle it.

Ideas for recycling used cooking oil

What to do with used cooking oil ? One possibility is to collect the oil in a container and dispose of it as hazardous waste. Most of the time, however, it goes straight into the garbage or drain and then pollutes the environment or can lead to clogged pipes.

In today’s post you will find 2 ideas for recycling used cooking oil .

Negative impact on our environment

Many are still unaware of the impact different habits can have on the environment  . Again and again you can see that garbage is left behind in nature, in the mountains, on the beach, etc. and that oil is simply poured into the drain.

The consequences are devastating.


Oil residues that are not properly disposed of or recycled can then have the following consequences:

  • Oil clogs the drain. If it combines with other chemical products (detergent, fabric softener), a gel-like layer forms, residues and bacteria stick. It starts to smell bad and pests are then attracted to it.
  • The cost of constipation is then not exactly small.
  • If the oil gets into rivers or seas, a layer forms on the surface and prevents the attached oxygen supply. The result: marine animals die.
  • Part of the oil then settles on the animals.
  • Anyone who pours the oil into the garden (this can also be seen again and again!) Contaminates it, the place then becomes unplantable.

Ideas for reusing used cooking oil


1. For detergent production

You need:

  • 1 liter of used cooking oil
  • 200 g sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)
  • 10 liters of water
  • 100 g lavender essence


  • Manufacture should be done in a well- ventilated place. Keep children and pets away. Do not work without protective gloves and goggles because there is a high risk of injury.
  • Pour 5 liters of water into a bucket.
  • Then slowly stir the caustic soda into the water. Be careful not to splash. Then stir with a long wooden spoon or stick. Avoid inhaling the vapors produced. Use caution as the mixture will get hot. There is then a risk of burns with minimal skin contact.
    • Gradually pour the filtered cooking oil into the lye, stirring constantly. Once the mixture has bonded, the lavender essence can then be added.
    • Now let the mixture rest for a day. After 24 hours then stir in the remaining 5 liters of water. Let rest again.
    • Stir the mixture well every morning for 5 days until it gradually thickens. The detergent can then be filled into bottles.

    2. Oil candles

    You need:

    • 1 beautiful glass container
    • 1 piece of wire as a holding rod
    • used cooking oil
    • 1 wick (this should protrude 4 cm above the height of the glass)
    • 2 drops of sandalwood essence


    • Let the oil stand for a night so that any leftover food can settle. Then filter through a cotton cloth the next day.
    • Tie the wick to the wire and then place it in the center of the glass.
    • Place the wire in the middle of the glass bottom and then fill the glass with the oil (don’t fill it all the way, leave a little space at the top). Then you can add the sandalwood essence.
    • The candle is ready!

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