How To Bake The Simplest Apple Pie In The World

An apple pie can sound a bit complicated at first, but it all depends on our attitude and a few tricks during preparation.

How to bake the easiest apple pie in the world

If you want to bake the simplest apple pie in the world, you have to modify the original recipe a little without affecting the end result.

What usually complicates the whole thing is not the ingredients or the apples. It is the production of the special dough that often robs us of more time than we would like.

In concrete terms , the recipe for the simplest apple pie in the world only delivers what it promises if you can enjoy it comfortably at the table or on the sofa as quickly as possible.

In this sense, shortbread biscuits are used in the preparation. This way you can save yourself all the stress of baking and the apple pie is ready in no time.

If you suffer from celiac disease or lactose intolerance, you can of course replace a few ingredients with the respective gluten- or lactose-free variants.

The calorie content of this concoction will depend on the amounts you use. As always, the same applies here: It’s not about what, but how much of it you eat.

When it comes to nutritional content, apples play an important role. Even in the simplest apple pie in the world, they don’t lose their positive effect: they still contain vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates that are good for you.

How do you make the simplest apple pie in the world?

How do you prepare the simplest apple pie in the world

You can surprise yourself and others with this simple and quick recipe.


  • 1 pack of shortbread biscuits (240 g)
  • 1 1/2 spoons of butter (30 g)
  • 5 medium-sized apples
  • 1 cup of milk (250 ml)
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour (120 g)
  • 3 spoons of sugar (45 g)
  • 2 spoons of peach jam (56 g)


  1. First, chop up the shortbread biscuits. You can either use a blender or a fork to do this.
  2. Then pour the melted butter over the crushed biscuits. Mix with a spoon and stir.
  3. The consistency should be like damp sand. You can also add more melted butter if needed.
  4. Then pour the mixture into a cake pan. That will be the floor.
  5. Make sure the bottom completely covers the shape.
  6. Then put the following ingredients in the blender: 3 apples, milk, flour and sugar. Mix everything well.
  7. Then pour the mixture on the floor. Peel and cut the 2 remaining apples into pieces and mix in with the filling.
  8. Preheat the oven to 180C and bake the cake for 1 hour.
  9. Finally take it out and apply the peach jam with a brush.

A tip: innovation is everything

Innovations for the simplest apple pie in the world

Yes, you’ve read that correctly. You should really take this concept to heart to find out what details make this sweet concoction so special.

What is so ingenious about it is the special preparation of the soil. As we mentioned earlier, the shortbread cookies and butter are the basis of this recipe.

The idea is that the biscuits give the cake the same consistency as a classic apple cake. If you want, you can of course also make the homemade batter for this dessert yourself.

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