How Do You Know If Honey Is Stretched?

Pure bee honey solidifies over time. However, false, unclean honey remains liquid.

How do you know if honey is stretched?

Honey is delicious and healthy too! Because it has valuable nutrients, vitamins and minerals. But it is also often used as a hoax. Therefore, today we are looking into the question of how you can tell whether  honey is stretched .

The market is really inundated with fake honey. Sugar or water is added. The intentions are purely commercial, as the aim is to make as much profit as possible.

However, there are ways to tell at home whether the purchased  honey has been stretched. Then you will learn more about it.

This is how you can tell if honey has been stretched

Read the etiquette well

Before you buy a jar of honey, read exactly what the label says. Often, additives such as fructose syrup or glucose are used to stretch the honey and prevent crystallization.

Crystallization of the honey

All types of honey are liquid, but over time they crystallize or take on a “sugar state”.

If the honey is already crystallized when you buy it, it is probably pure bee honey.

However, honey that is bought in liquid may not form crystals after a few days. You can put the honey in the refrigerator to speed up the process.

If the honey  stays liquid anyway, then it is most likely not a pure bee product. 

Use these tricks to find out if honey has been stretched

The following tricks can be very helpful in determining whether it is pure or watered honey:

  • Put a teaspoon of honey in a glass of cold water. If it dissolves, it’s not pure honey. Real bee honey sticks in the water.
  • Then you add 4 to 5 drops of vinegar essence to the water. If foam forms, it is possible that calcium sulfate has been added to the honey.
  • Use  a spoon to take some honey out of the jar and turn the spoon over. If the water content is large, the honey will drip off the spoon quickly. Quality honey is viscous and sticks to the spoon or falls very slowly.
  • Try lighting the honey with a match.  Real bee honey is flammable. However, if it has been stretched with water, it will not ignite.
  • Mix honey with water and add a few drops of iodine. When this solution turns blue, the honey has been stretched with flour products.
  • Put a piece of  dry white bread in the honey. If the bread stays dry and hard, it is pure honey. However, if the bread becomes soft, the honey is high in water and has likely been adulterated.

You can use these methods to find out whether honey has been stretched. But it’s  best to buy the honey directly from the beekeeper in your region. Then you can buy a quality product and have a guarantee.

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