Home Remedies For High Uric Acid Levels And Gout

To prevent high uric acid levels, many recommend drinking 8 glasses of water a day and eating plenty of fruit, vegetables and whole grains.

Home remedies for high uric acid levels and gout

The most common symptoms caused by elevated uric acid levels include stiffness, inflammation, and joint pain, especially in the big toe.

When uric acid levels are very high, it can lead to gout – a very uncomfortable and painful disease. In this post, we recommend various natural remedies that can help treat elevated uric acid levels .

Uric Acid – Our Enemy?

If you read that uric acid can cause gout, it is automatically classified as an “enemy” of health, but the problem lies in the amount, not the substance itself.

Uric acid is a waste product of the organism that is produced by purines that are ingested through diet (especially meat products).

As long as the uric acid levels remain balanced, this is good for the functioning of the organism, but if there is an excess, the feared gout can develop. The medical term for this is hyperuricemia.

When that happens, uric acid crystals build up on the joints, causing arthritis. Many people also suffer from kidney stones.

So there are deposits in various parts of the body that cause health problems. 

Foot damaged by gout

How can you reduce uric acid levels?

A healthy, balanced diet is very important here:  changes in eating habits are also crucial, as uric acid levels depend on the food consumed.

You should avoid the following foods:

  • Red meat
  • alcoholic beverages (especially beer)
  • Sauces with meat extract
  • Sardines
  • Anchovies
  • Champignons and mushrooms
  • refined sugar
  • Whole milk products
  • Sausages
  • Fried and fast food

You should only avoid the foods on this list. It is also recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables. Whole grains (such as amaranth and millet) should also be included in the diet.

Also, don’t forget to drink enough daily to support the kidneys and thereby eliminate excess uric acid in the urine. Eight glasses of water per day is recommended.

Natural remedies for gout

Nature provides us with a wonderful pharmacy  in which we can find excellent remedies for high uric acid levels and gout. Supporters of naturopathy claim that many plants and fruits are very suitable for this. The following are said to be particularly recommended:


This small fruit is often recommended for the following ailments:

  • Kidney problems
  • Urinary tract infection
  • diabetes
  • high blood pressure

Blueberry juice can help drain the excess uric acid. You can prepare this as follows:

  • 1/4 cup blueberries
  • 1 L of water

First boil the blueberries in the water for 3 minutes and then let them steep. Then strain and drink this drink throughout the day.

To increase the effect, you can also eat blueberries as a dessert or snack, for example in yogurt, shakes or in a fruit salad.

Blueberry Shake and Bananas

Celery seeds

These tiny seeds are said to be known for their diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, among other things. So they would help flush uric acid and relieve joint pain.

It is recommended to consume 500 mg daily, but the dose can vary from person to person.

Attention : Pregnant women and people with chronic or serious kidney diseases should not ingest celery seeds.


This delicious fruit is also said to contain numerous treasures. Cherries have the ability to reduce joint pain  and regulate uric acid levels in the blood.

Eat a handful of cherries every day or use them in various recipes to reap the benefits.


This is one of the most widely used aromatic herbs in the kitchen. Many know and love them for their supposedly draining properties.

Many fans of home remedies also recommend parsley for gout. You can also use it for various dishes to refine the taste or take it as a tea.

Attention : Pregnant women should avoid it, as this herb can have an abortive effect.


  • 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley (30 g)
  • 1 cup of boiling water (250 ml)


First scald the parsley with the hot water and let it steep for five minutes. Then strain and drink. You can even drink this tea twice a day and sweeten it with honey or stevia if you like.

Fresh parsley on a white background

Cayenne pepper

This pepper is said to have anti-inflammatory effects. This is why some people use it for joint pain and high uric acid levels.

Don’t forget to use little of it as it is very hot and increases body temperature.


This plant helps detoxify the body and reduce bad cholesterol and uric acid levels in the blood. You can use it to make tea for yourself.


  • 1 handful of alfalfa
  • 1 cup of water


First put both ingredients in a cup and heat. As soon as the water boils, wait three minutes and then remove it from the stove. Then let it steep for another 5 minutes.

Then this tea can be sweetened as desired.

Do not drink more than 2 cups a day!

Red clover

This plant has numerous health benefits as it promotes the elimination of pollutants. Red clover is also highly recommended for gout patients. You can also use it to make tea.


  • 2 tablespoons of dried red clover leaves (30 g)
  • 1 cup of boiling water


First scald the leaves with the hot water and let them steep for 6 minutes. Then strain and, if desired, sweeten with honey or stevia and drink the tea immediately.

If you suspect high uric acid levels or have gout, you should speak to your doctor before trying these home remedies.

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