Herbal Gel Is Said To Stop Bleeding In 10 Seconds

Scientists have developed a gel that is supposed to stop bleeding quickly,

Herbal gel is said to stop bleeding in 10 seconds

Joe Landolina, a 17-year-old entrepreneur, was new to New York University when he made a discovery that could potentially save millions of lives around the world. Landolina, who specializes in tissue engineering, claims that he has developed a gel that can stop internal and external bleeding within 10 seconds without any pressure .

The product called Veti-Gel  was developed by Landolina as part of a project in the first semester. This enabled this young researcher to win a competition from the University of New York together with Isaac Miller (his partner) – with the money they were able to set up the company Suneris Inc.

Joe Landolina now has a Masters in Biomedical Engineering and a company with 10 employees. This is dedicated to researching the gel in order to be able to save human lives. The gel has already been tested in veterinary clinics, and another 1,600 veterinarians are waiting for product samples in order to be able to carry out critical analyzes.

What is Veti-Gel made of?

The gel is based on genetically modified plants. Its shape is similar to the so-called extracellular matrix (ECM), which is the human tissue between the cells in the so-called intercellular space. Once the gel makes contact with a wound, it “breaks” up and repairs the tissue.

Veti-Gel “makes an exact copy of the structures”, which means that it adapts to the corresponding area of ​​the body immediately. In addition, according to Landolina, the gel is “designed to promote the healing process of the body”.


The Veti-Gel samples are first tested in veterinary clinics, where they should demonstrate their effectiveness in stopping bleeding in a few seconds. After these tests, the product will be checked by the American military before it goes on the market and can be used to treat people.

Landolina is optimistic that the gel will be approved by the end of next year at the latest. This product will be a lifesaver in emergency rooms and surgeries around the world.

For example, Veti-Gel could stop bleeding during vascular surgery for class 4 liver trauma. This operation is very complex and difficult, and often it is very difficult to stop bleeding. With Veti-Gel, surgeons could stop such bleeding in less than a minute, which can be the key to a successful operation.

Veti-Gel has other important benefits in treating burns, bruises, and other therapies. Research on the effects is ongoing and Suneris plans to conduct further health studies.

Although the product has not yet been released for sale, the results so far are very promising, particularly in terms of its ability to stop bleeding. Veti-Gel is a product that can be used in many areas of medicine and is also expected to be well received by veterinarians.

The inventors have not yet revealed anything about the price or the terms of sale. What is certain, however, is that this drug could save many human lives in the future.

Use of cayenne pepper to stop bleeding

Cayenne pepper

In addition to the gel already mentioned, there are natural alternatives that can help stop bleeding in everyday life. Red pepper or cayenne pepper is very effective. This spice has great health benefits and has been used as a medicine by the Indians.

Using cayenne pepper is simple: sprinkle some of it into the cut or bleeding wound. The bleeding stops after 15-20 seconds. However, pepper should only be used for small cuts or scratches.

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