Green Diet That Could Help You Lose Weight

Regular consumption of green foods can break down more calories than are consumed. This is particularly recommended for weight loss diets.

Green Diet That Might Help You Lose Weight

Do you want to lose weight in a healthy way without sacrificing too much or going hungry? Do you know the  green diet ?

Losing weight in a healthy way can also make it easier for you to change habits and discover new foods and combinations. In this post, we recommend various green foods that can also help you lose weight.

Why a Green Diet ?

Green is the color of the liver, as well as the guardian of our health: This important organ cleanses the body of harmful substances and also ensures the correct assimilation of fats.

Green vegetables not only provide a lot of folic acid, magnesium and chlorophyll, they also make a significant contribution to general health. The most important properties are:

  • Better functioning of the liver and digestion in general,
  • Prevention of constipation,
  • Prevention against cardiovascular diseases,
  • Cleansing the organism of pollutants,
  • Improving eyesight,
  • good health of the fetus during pregnancy,
  • white teeth and healthy bones and muscles.

If you consume green foods regularly,  you can burn more calories than they contain. Therefore, these should not be missing in a weight loss diet, so a green diet is beneficial.

avocado salad

Why 2 weeks?

The organism needs 15 days to feel changes. In the first few days, various complaints such as headaches, constipation or malaise can occur as the body is strongly cleansed.

But after a week the first benefits can be felt: You will feel lighter and have a lot of energy!

You won’t lose a lot of weight in two weeks, nor would it be healthy. You will not gain any more pounds if you partially continue the green diet after the two weeks.

With this you will change various habits and the  body will slowly adapt. 

Green breakfast

The first meal of the day is crucial. You should definitely not miss out on a meal. Every morning you prepare yourself a delicious green smoothie.

Don’t be alarmed by the color, the taste is excellent, as is the case with fruit combinations, and the smoothie contains many valuable nutrients.

You shouldn’t go hungry while doing this, so if necessary you can increase the amount of the smoothie.

Ingredients for the green smoothie:

  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • 1/2 kiwi
  • 1 handful of tender spinach leaves
  • 1 fresh celery leaf
  • 1/2 teaspoon spirulina powder (2.5 g)
  • 1/2 ripe banana
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil (15 g)
  • some water, oat milk and a natural fruit juice with no added sugar

Chop all ingredients well in a blender or blender and then enjoy slowly.

In the course of the morning you can have  a green or red tea and also a piece of fruit or a handful of dried fruit.

green smoothie

Green lunch

The green part of lunch is then a  salad plate as a starter  with the following ingredients:

  • various green leafy vegetables: lettuce, endive, rocket, cress, lamb’s lettuce, etc.
  • 1 carrot
  • a tomato
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 bell pepper
  • Sunflower and pumpkin seeds
  • Alfalfa sprouts

As a main course you can then choose from the following dishes:

  • lean poultry
  • fish
  • Egg dish
  • legumes
  • Whole grain rice, quinoa and millet

If possible, do without dessert. If you really want something sweet, you can have an apple or a pear. A homemade compote made from these fruits is also possible.

Green dinner

A green cream soup is ideal for dinner. The following types of vegetables can then be used for this purpose:

  • spinach
  • Swiss chard
  • zucchini
  • Green paprika
  • leek
  • parsley
  • celery
  • artichoke
  • Peas

Other colors can also be added: For example, you can use oatmeal to make the soup creamy.

Then light proteins are recommended – ideally fish or egg.

Final recommendations

The general guidelines for losing weight should also not be forgotten:

  • Drink 2 liters of water daily outside of meals.
  • Chew the food well.
  • Not too much and not too late dinner.
  • Exercise at least three times a week.

Images provided by Blue Moon in Her Eyes, vanesayavonne

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