Ginger Can Strengthen The Liver And The Immune System

Cinnamon and ginger are very useful for preventing digestive and liver problems. However, they should not be taken in acute complaints

Ginger can strengthen the liver and the immune system

Ginger has been used in the preparation of delicious dishes and beneficial remedies since ancient times. But it can not only strengthen the immune system, but also a few other things. The root has a very pleasant aroma and a spicy taste, which is why it is very popular in various cultures.

Ginger is also so popular because it is characterized by numerous health-promoting properties. These can be used for the prevention and treatment of various ailments.

Numerous studies have shown that the fiber contained in ginger and the active ingredient gingerol, which is responsible for the pungent taste of the root, have a positive effect on health. That is why ginger is contained in many natural remedies that strengthen the immune system .

In today’s post we recommend ginger tea with cinnamon.

Benefits of ginger and cinnamon tea

This natural drink is made with 1 slice of ginger root and 1 cinnamon stick. It is a warm drink with a slightly piquant taste that is good for your health and tastes very good too.

Regular use is particularly recommended in the following cases:

Liver detox

Strengthen the body's defenses with cinnamon and ginger

It is advisable to detoxify the liver 1-2 times a year. The liver is one of the most important organs, it filters pollutants and ensures that they are expelled. The combination of ginger and cinnamon helps  protect the liver and also promotes the functions of the  liver, which is often overwhelmed.

Protection of the bile

If there is a predisposition to biliary deposits, it is advisable to take this tea regularly, as it not only protects the liver, but also has a positive effect on the bile.

Reduction of the feeling of cold

Strengthen the immune system and reduce feelings of coldness with ginger

Ginger warms the body and is therefore particularly recommended on cold autumn and winter days. The thermogenic effect of this root also promotes the burning of excess calories  while keeping the body temperature stable.

Good for digestion

People with digestive problems can take this tea to improve bowel activity. Ginger also helps with flatulence and inflammation. 

Strengthen the immune system

Ginger contains, among other things, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin C. These ingredients can strengthen our defenses and make us more resistant to flu viruses or colds.

Preparation of the ginger and cinnamon tea

Strengthen the body's defenses with ginger and cinnamon

The preparation of this powerful remedy is very simple. All ingredients are inexpensive and easily available. Then you will find out how you too can benefit from this drink.


  • 1 generous slice of ginger root
  • 1 cinnamon stick (Ceylon cinnamon)
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 250 ml of water


  • Wash and grate the ginger.
  • Bring the water to a boil, then add the ginger and cinnamon. Then let everything simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Use this time to squeeze half a lemon.
  • Now you can sift the tea and then add the lemon juice.
  • Then drink this tea 2-3 times a day.


Both cinnamon and ginger can be very useful for certain types of stomach ailments. However, if you have acute digestive problems, you should be careful. This tea could then irritate the stomach.

This tea is also not suitable for children and pregnant women. If you take anticoagulants such as aspirin, warfarin, ticlopidine, or heparin, you must also avoid them. If you have any doubts or negative reactions, you should consult a doctor.

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