Food Soda In Household And Cosmetics

Food soda is also sold as baking soda or table soda, but has nothing to do with washing soda

Food soda in household and cosmetics

Soda is normally only, as the name suggests, used in the kitchen for cooking and baking.

But there are many other uses where baking soda can also be used well. Today we will show you how you can use baking soda in cosmetics and household.

What exactly is baking soda?

Soda is also often referred to as baking soda, mainly in texts that come from English usage, where baking soda is called “baking soda”.

The term “Speisesoda” is also used out of date, which indicates that it was used to make fizzy lemonades, also known as “Soda”.

Please never confuse baking soda with washing soda! The similarity is great and the name “baking soda” is also confusing.

Washing soda can cause serious health risks if swallowed !

Soda is available in stores under the names “Kaiser Natron”, “Bullrich Salt” and “Food Soda”. This post is all about this product.


Food soda in cosmetics

As already mentioned, you can use baking soda not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom.

In the following we would like to list a few possibilities where you can use food soda as a cheap and simple means in cosmetics, daily body care and in the wellness area:

  • Toothpaste substitute: Simply dip the damp toothbrush in baking soda and use it to brush your teeth.
  • For insect bites: add a drop of water as a paste to the itchy bite. Takes away the itchiness.
  • Peeling: Soda is a gentle and extremely inexpensive skin peeling that you can use on your face and body. Simply apply to damp skin and then rub!
  • Against foot odor: In the   morning, powder the feet, especially between the toes, with a little baking soda. Soda softens the acids in sweat and thereby inhibits the growth of odor-causing bacteria.
  • Hand washing paste: baking soda also rubs stubborn dirt off your hands. To do this, moisten your hands, sprinkle baking soda on them, use soap and then rub!
  • Gargle solution: If you have a sore throat, a gargle solution made from soda water can help. Soda solution changes the pH of your mucous membranes in the affected area and makes life difficult for the bacteria.
  • Against bad breath: Soda also helps against bad breath: simply dip a damp toothbrush in baking soda so that you brush your tongue vigorously and then rinse your mouth out with baking soda.

Soda in the household

You can also use baking soda to replace some cleaning products and get help with household chores. Soda is harmless and cheap, but often just as effective as other products that either contain aggressive chemicals or are sold at high prices. Try the following ideas:

  • Ant poison: Sodium bicarbonate sprinkled on an unpleasant ant trail leads to the extermination of the entire colony in the anthill.
  • Dishwasher deodorant: Simply sprinkle a tablespoon of baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher. This then binds odors. Repeat after each wash cycle before loading the next dirty dishes.
  • Textile freshener : spray a little sodium bicarbonate solution onto the textiles with a pump sprayer and then let it dry. Neutralizes odors without perfuming textiles.
  • Oven cleaner: Mix 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of baking soda and a little water into a creamy paste, spread it on the crusts in the oven and rub off after 20 minutes.
  • Mold remover: Works particularly well with a brush in damp tile joints to remove mold in the joints.
  • Water softener: In order to increase the enjoyment of coffee and tea, the water quality is important! With a pinch of baking soda in the coffee or tea water, the water becomes softer and the drink more aromatic.
  • Drain-free: Pour ½ cup of baking soda down the blocked drain. Pour ½ cup of vinegar afterwards. Leave on for 30 minutes and then rinse with 1l of boiling (!) Water.
  • Trash can deodorant: sprinkle fresh soda powder on the bottom of the trash can every time you change the garbage bag. Neutralizes bad smells.
  • Stain remover: Mix a paste from baking soda and water, rub on the stain, let it work and then wash the garment.

What uses in household and cosmetics do you know and what experiences have you had with them?

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